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Game: Fisherov chess monk 1.1 - Corchess 290522 (1-0)


Interesting game Fisherov chess monk 1.1 - Corchess 290522 (1-0)
Time: 3'+3" GUI-Arena:

Partia mi si� podoba�a (ChessBase 16)
[Event "2022.06.10.ArenaUGGiantTournament"] [Site "DESKTOP-0F6JTPI"] [Date "2022.06.15"] [Round "8"] [White "Fisherov chess monk 1.1"] [Black "Corchess 290522"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "C11"] [WhiteElo "3524"] [BlackElo "3493"] [PlyCount "146"] [EventDate "2022.??.??"] [TimeControl "180+3"] {[%evp 0,146,19,38,30,51,51,29,43,48,52,2,11,15,34,23,43,39,53,29,21,24,27,-5, 25,4,-2,-1,0,0,-6,-3,-6,-7,6,-2,8,4,7,-3,-10,-44,-53,-55,-44,-35,0,0,9,25,22, 22,31,37,24,42,42,36,54,25,47,52,61,54,54,50,16,0,34,26,0,0,0,-15,3,-30,81,-11, 0,0,3,-72,55,69,76,65,87,77,77,97,100,112,114,60,49,93,105,124,116,104,116,116, 116,118,146,118,152,118,111,119,127,85,86,95,105,128,118,115,136,146,151,148, 149,103,104,101,101,101,183,183,183,183,173,74,182,186,186,183,181,191,193,205, 216,205,248,213,222,231,233]} 1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. e5 Nfd7 5. f4 c5 6. Nf3 Nc6 7. Be3 a6 8. a3 cxd4 {[%eval -51,27] [%emt 0:00:12] (c5xd4 Sf3xd4 Gf8-c5 Hd1-d2 O-O O-O-O Gc5xd4 Ge3xd4 b7-b5 h2-h4 Wa8-b8 Wh1-h3 b5-b4 a3xb4 Wb8xb4 Sc3-e2 a6-a5 Gd4-c3 Wb4-b6 f4-f5 Sc6-b4 f5-f6 Sb4-a2+ Kc1-b1 Sa2xc3+ Se2xc3 Sd7xe5 f6xg7)} 9. Nxd4 {[%eval 65,31] [%emt 0:00:14] (Sf3xd4 Gf8-c5 Hd1-d2 O-O O-O-O Gc5xd4 Ge3xd4 b7-b5 h2-h4 Hd8-a5 Wh1-h3 f7-f6 e5xf6 Sd7xf6 Gd4-c5 Wf8-f7 Hd2-e3 Ha5-c7 Wh3-f3 Sf6-g4 He3-e1 Sg4-f6 He1-d2 Sf6-d7 Gc5-d4 Sc6xd4 Hd2xd4)} Bc5 {[%eval -60,25] [%emt 0:00:06] (Gf8-c5 Hd1-d2 O-O O-O-O Gc5xd4 Ge3xd4 b7-b5 h2-h4 Wa8-b8 Wh1-h3 b5-b4 a3xb4 Wb8xb4 Sc3-e2 a6-a5 Gd4-c3 Wb4-b6 Hd2-e3 Sc6-b4 h4-h5 Sb4-a2+ Kc1-b1 Sa2xc3+ Se2xc3 Gc8-a6 Gf1xa6)} 10. Qd2 {[%eval 56,28] [%emt 0:00:08] (Hd1-d2 O-O h2-h4 Gc5xd4 Ge3xd4 b7-b5 Gd4-f2 Gc8-b7 Sc3-e2 f7-f6 Se2-d4 Sc6xd4 Gf2xd4 f6xe5 f4xe5 Hd8-c7 O-O-O Sd7-c5 Hd2-c3 Wa8-c8 Wh1-h3 Sc5-e4 Hc3xc7 Wc8xc7 Gf1-d3 Se4-f2)} O-O {[%eval -58,27] [%emt 0:00:08] (O-O h2-h4 Wa8-b8 O-O-O Gc5xd4 Ge3xd4 b7-b5 Wh1-h3 b5-b4 a3xb4 Wb8xb4 Sc3-e2 a6-a5 Gd4-c3 Wb4-b6 Hd2-e3 Hd8-c7 h4-h5 Sc6-b4 Se2-d4 Sd7-c5 Sd4-b5 Hc7-c6 Sb5-d6 Hc6-a4 b2-b3 Sc5xb3+ c2xb3)} 11. Qf2 {[%eval 69,30] [%emt 0:00:16] (Hd2-f2 Sc6xd4 Ge3xd4 Hd8-c7 Gf1-d3 Hc7-b6 Gd4xc5 Sd7xc5 O-O Hb6-c6 Sc3-e2 Gc8-d7 Wa1-b1 Wa8-c8 Se2-d4 Hc6-b6 h2-h3 f7-f6 Wf1-e1 Hb6-c7 b2-b4 Sc5xd3 c2xd3 Hc7-c3 Wb1-b3 Hc3-c7 Kg1-h2 h7-h6)} h6 {[%eval -42,25] [%emt 0:00: 25] (h7-h6 Wh1-g1 Gc5xd4 Ge3xd4 Sc6xd4 Hf2xd4 f7-f6 e5xf6 Hd8xf6 Hd4xf6 Sd7xf6 O-O-O g7-g5 f4-f5 Sf6-g4 f5xe6 Gc8xe6 h2-h3 Sg4-e3 Wd1-e1 d5-d4 Sc3-d1 Se3xf1 We1xe6 Wa8-c8 We6-d6 Sf1-e3 Sd1xe3 d4xe3 Wd6xh6)} 12. Nxc6 {[%eval 71,27] [%emt 0:00:09] (Sd4xc6 Gc5xe3 Sc6xd8 Ge3xf2+ Ke1xf2 Wf8xd8 Sc3-e2 Sd7-b8 Se2-d4 Sb8-c6 Sd4-f3 f7-f6 Wa1-e1 Wd8-f8 Kf2-g3 Gc8-d7 Gf1-d3 f6xe5 Sf3xe5 Sc6xe5 We1xe5 Wf8-f6 Kg3-g4 Wa8-c8 Wh1-e1 Kg8-f7 c2-c3 Wc8-c5 We1-e2 Kf7-e7 h2-h4 Ke7-d6)} Bxe3 {[%eval -64,28] [%emt 0:00:07] (Gc5xe3 Sc6xd8 Ge3xf2+ Ke1xf2 Wf8xd8 Sc3-e2 Wd8-e8 Se2-d4 f7-f6 Wa1-e1 f6xe5 f4xe5 We8-f8+ Sd4-f3 b7-b6 Gf1-d3 Gc8-b7 Wh1-f1 d5-d4 Gd3-c4 Wa8-e8 Kf2-g3 b6-b5 Gc4-d3 Gb7xf3 g2xf3 Sd7-c5 Gd3-g6)} 13. Nxd8 {[%eval 80,28] [%emt 0:00:03] (Sc6xd8 Ge3xf2+ Ke1xf2 Wf8xd8 Sc3-e2 Sd7-b8 Se2-d4 Sb8-c6 Sd4-f3 Gc8-d7 Gf1-d3 f7-f6 Wa1-e1 Wd8-f8 g2-g3 b7-b5 c2-c3 a6-a5 Gd3xb5 Wa8-b8 Gb5xc6 Wb8xb2+ We1-e2 Wb2xe2+ Kf2xe2 Gd7xc6)} Bxf2+ {[%eval -78,26] [%emt 0:00:08] (Ge3xf2+ Ke1xf2 Wf8xd8 Sc3-e2 f7-f6 Se2-d4 Wd8-e8 Wa1-e1 f6xe5 f4xe5 We8-f8+ Kf2-g3 Sd7-c5 Gf1-d3 Gc8-d7 h2-h4 Wa8-c8 We1-f1 Sc5-a4 b2-b3 Sa4-c5 Wf1xf8+ Kg8xf8 Kg3-f4 Kf8-e7 Kf4-e3 Gd7-c6)} 14. Kxf2 {[%eval 90,28] [%emt 0:00:04] (Ke1xf2 Wf8xd8 Sc3-e2 Sd7-b8 Se2-d4 Sb8-c6 Sd4-f3 Gc8-d7 h2-h4 Wd8-f8 g2-g3 Sc6-a5 Gf1-d3 Wa8-c8 a3-a4 f7-f6 Wh1-e1 h6-h5 Kf2-e2 Kg8-f7 b2-b3 Sa5-c6 Ke2-d2 Wc8-c7 c2-c3 Kf7-e7) } Rxd8 {[%eval -77,27] [%emt 0:00:05] (Wf8xd8 Sc3-e2 f7-f6 Se2-d4 Wd8-e8 Wa1-e1 f6xe5 f4xe5 We8-f8+ Kf2-g3 Sd7-c5 Gf1-d3 Gc8-d7 h2-h4 Wa8-c8 h4-h5 Gd7-e8 We1-e3 Ge8-b5 Gd3-g6 Gb5-e8 We3-f3 Ge8xg6 h5xg6 Sc5-d7 Wh1-e1 Wf8xf3+ g2xf3 Sd7-f8)} 15. Ne2 {[%eval 98,27] [%emt 0:00:06] (Sc3-e2 Sd7-b8 Se2-d4 Sb8-c6 Sd4-f3 Gc8-d7 Gf1-d3 Sc6-a7 c2-c3 Wa8-c8 a3-a4 Sa7-c6 h2-h4 f7-f6 Wh1-e1 h6-h5 a4-a5 Kg8-f7 Kf2-e3 Kf7-e7 g2-g3 f6xe5 Sf3xe5 Sc6xe5 f4xe5 Gd7-b5 Gd3xb5)} f6 {[%eval -82,29] [%emt 0:00:06] (f7-f6 Se2-d4 Kg8-f7 Wa1-e1 f6xe5 f4xe5 Wd8-f8 h2-h4 Kf7-e7+ Sd4-f3 Sd7-c5 Kf2-e3 Gc8-d7 Wh1-h3 Wf8-f5 Wh3-g3 Ke7-f8 Wg3-g4 Gd7-e8 Wg4-d4 Wa8-c8 Gf1-d3 Wf5-f7 Wd4-b4 b7-b5 Wb4-g4 Sc5xd3 c2xd3 Wf7-f5)} 16. Nd4 {[%eval 92,28] [%emt 0:00:05] (Se2-d4 Kg8-f7 Wa1-e1 g7-g5 g2-g3 Wd8-g8 Wh1-g1 f6xe5 f4xe5 Kf7-e7 h2-h4 Sd7-c5 Gf1-d3 Gc8-d7 b2-b4 Sc5-a4 Kf2-e3 Sa4-b2 h4-h5 Sb2-c4+ Gd3xc4 d5xc4 c2-c3)} Kf7 {[%eval -73,30] [%emt 0:00:09] (Kg8-f7 Wa1-e1 f6xe5 f4xe5 Kf7-e7 h2-h4 Wd8-f8+ Sd4-f3 Sd7-c5 Kf2-e3 Gc8-d7 Wh1-h3 Wf8-f5 Wh3-g3 Ke7-f8 Wg3-g4 Wa8-c8 b2-b4 Sc5-e4 c2-c4 h6-h5 Wg4-f4 Wf5xf4 Ke3xf4 Kf8-e7 Kf4-e3 Se4-g3 c4-c5 Sg3-f5+ Ke3-f4 Wc8-f8 Kf4-g5 Gd7-e8 Gf1-d3 Sf5-h6)} 17. Re1 {[%eval 74,27] [%emt 0:00:06] (Wa1-e1 g7-g5 g2-g3 Wd8-g8 Wh1-g1 f6xe5 f4xe5 g5-g4 h2-h4 g4xh3/ep Wg1-h1 Wg8-g4 Sd4xe6 Kf7xe6 Gf1xh3 h6-h5 Gh3xg4+ h5xg4 Wh1-h6+ Ke6-e7 We1-d1 Sd7-f8 Wd1xd5 Gc8-d7 Kf2-e3 Wa8-c8)} fxe5 {[%eval -59,30] [%emt 0:00:09] (f6xe5 f4xe5 Kf7-e7 Gf1-d3 Wd8-f8+ Sd4-f3 Sd7-c5 Kf2-e3 Gc8-d7 We1-f1 Gd7-e8 g2-g4 Sc5-d7 h2-h4 Wa8-c8 Wh1-g1 Wc8-c5 b2-b3 a6-a5 g4-g5 h6-h5 a3-a4 d5-d4+ Ke3xd4 Wc5-d5+ Kd4-e3 Sd7xe5 Sf3xe5 Wd5xe5+ Ke3-d2 Wf8xf1 Wg1xf1 We5-d5)} 18. fxe5 {[%eval 62, 31] [%emt 0:00:07] (f4xe5 Kf7-e7 h2-h4 Wd8-f8+ Kf2-g3 Sd7-c5 Gf1-d3 Gc8-d7 We1-e3 Gd7-b5 Gd3xb5 a6xb5 We3-f3 Sc5-e4+ Kg3-h2 Se4-f2 Wh1-e1 g7-g5 h4xg5 h6xg5 Sd4xb5 Wf8-f4 Kh2-g1 Sf2-g4 Wf3-h3 Wa8-f8 Wh3-h7+ Wf4-f7)} Ke7 {[%eval -51,28] [%emt 0:00:05] (Kf7-e7 h2-h4 Wd8-f8+ Sd4-f3 Sd7-c5 Kf2-e3 Gc8-d7 Wh1-h3 Wf8-f5 Gf1-d3 Sc5xd3 c2xd3 Wa8-c8 g2-g4 d5-d4+ Ke3xd4 Wf5-f8 Kd4-e3 Wc8-c2 We1-e2 Wc2-c5 Wh3-g3 Gd7-c6 b2-b4 Wc5-b5 d3-d4 a6-a5 We2-b2 a5xb4 a3xb4 Wf8-a8 Sf3-e1 Wa8-a3+ Ke3-f2)} 19. h4 {[%eval 130,30] [%emt 0:00:07] (h2-h4 Wd8-f8+ Sd4-f3 Sd7-c5 Gf1-d3 Gc8-d7 Wh1-h3 Gd7-b5 Kf2-e3 Gb5xd3 c2xd3 Sc5-b3 Wh3-g3 Wf8-f7 Wg3-g4 a6-a5 Sf3-d4 Sb3xd4 Ke3xd4 Wa8-c8 h4-h5 Ke7-f8 g2-g3 Wc8-c2 Wg4-g6 Wf7-e7 b2-b4 Wc2-a2 We1-c1 Wa2xa3 Wc1-c8+ Kf8-f7 b4-b5)} Rf8+ { [%eval -55,27] [%emt 0:00:04] (Wd8-f8+ Sd4-f3 Sd7-c5 Gf1-d3 Gc8-d7 Wh1-h3 Gd7-b5 Kf2-e3 Gb5xd3 c2xd3 Sc5-b3 Wh3-g3 Wf8-f7 Wg3-g4 a6-a5 h4-h5 b7-b6 Sf3-d4 Sb3xd4 Ke3xd4 Wa8-f8 Kd4-e3 Wf8-c8 We1-b1 Wc8-c2 b2-b3 Wc2-a2)} 20. Nf3 {[%eval 130,27] [%emt 0:00:06] (Sd4-f3 Sd7-b8 Wh1-h3 Gc8-d7 Gf1-d3 Ke7-f7 h4-h5 Sb8-c6 Kf2-e3 Gd7-e8 We1-g1 Kf7-e7 Wg1-h1 Wf8-f7 Wh3-g3 Ke7-f8 Wh1-h4 Wf7-e7 Wg3-g4 We7-f7 Ke3-d2 Kf8-g8)} Nc5 {[%eval -108,30] [%emt 0:00:14] (Sd7-c5 Gf1-d3 Gc8-d7 Wh1-h3 Gd7-b5 Kf2-e3 Gb5xd3 c2xd3 Sc5-b3 Wh3-g3 Wf8-f7 Wg3-g4 a6-a5 Sf3-d4 Sb3xd4 Ke3xd4 Wa8-c8 h4-h5 Wc8-c2 We1-b1 Ke7-d7 b2-b4 a5xb4 Wb1xb4 Kd7-c6 Wg4-g6 Wf7-e7 Wb4-a4 Wc2-f2 g2-g3 Wf2-f5 Wa4-a5 Wf5xh5 Wa5xd5)} 21. Bd3 {[%eval 137,28] [%emt 0:00:05] (Gf1-d3 Gc8-d7 Wh1-h3 Gd7-c6 Kf2-e3 Sc5xd3 c2xd3 Wf8-f5 Wh3-g3 Wa8-g8 d3-d4 Gc6-e8 We1-c1 Ke7-d7 b2-b4 Wf5-f8 Sf3-e1 Wf8-f1 Se1-d3 Wf1xc1 Sd3xc1 b7-b6 Sc1-d3 g7-g5 h4xg5 h6xg5 a3-a4 Kd7-c6 Sd3-f2)} Bd7 {[%eval -96,28] [%emt 0:00:06] (Gc8-d7 Wh1-h3 Gd7-c6 Kf2-e3 Sc5xd3 c2xd3 Wf8-f5 Wh3-g3 Ke7-f7 We1-c1 Wa8-f8 Ke3-d4 Wf8-c8 Wg3-g4 Kf7-g8 b2-b3 Kg8-h7 a3-a4 Kh7-g8 Wc1-c5 Wc8-f8 a4-a5 Wf8-c8 Kd4-c3 Kg8-h7 Wg4-b4 Wc8-f8)} 22. Rh3 {[%eval 132,27] [%emt 0:00:06] (Wh1-h3 Gd7-b5 Kf2-e3 Gb5xd3 c2xd3 Sc5-b3 Wh3-g3 Wf8-f7 Wg3-g4 a6-a5 h4-h5 Wa8-c8 Sf3-d4 Sb3xd4 Ke3xd4 Wc8-c2 We1-b1 Ke7-e8 g2-g3 Wc2-h2 Wg4-g6 Wf7-e7 g3-g4 a5-a4 Kd4-c5 Wh2-d2 d3-d4 Wd2-c2+ Kc5-b5 Wc2-d2 g4-g5 h6xg5 Kb5xa4 Wd2xd4+ Ka4-b5)} Bc6 { [%eval -110,29] [%emt 0:00:25] (Gd7-c6 Kf2-e3 Sc5xd3 c2xd3 Wf8-f5 Wh3-g3 Ke7-f7 We1-c1 Kf7-g8 Wg3-g6 d5-d4+ Sf3xd4 Wf5xe5+ Ke3-f4 We5-d5 Sd4xc6 b7xc6 Wc1xc6 Wa8-d8 Wc6xe6 Wd5-d4+ We6-e4 Wd4xd3 Wg6xa6 Wd3-b3 We4-e2 Wd8-b8 h4-h5 Wb3xb2 We2xb2 Wb8xb2 g2-g4 Wb2-c2 a3-a4 Wc2-c4+ Kf4-f5 Wc4-c5+ Kf5-e6)} 23. Ke3 {[%eval 148,28] [%emt 0:00:07] (Kf2-e3 Sc5xd3 c2xd3 Wf8-f5 Wh3-g3 Wa8-g8 We1-c1 d5-d4+ Ke3xd4 g7-g5 h4xg5 h6xg5 Wc1-h1 g5-g4 Wh1-h7+ Ke7-f8 Sf3-h4 Wf5-f1 Kd4-c5 Wg8-g5 Kc5-d6 Gc6-d5 d3-d4 Kf8-g8 Wh7-e7 Wf1-f4 We7xe6 Wf4xd4 Kd6-c5 Wd4-d2 We6-d6 Wg5xe5 Wg3xg4+ Kg8-f7 Wg4-f4+ Kf7-g8 Sh4-g6 We5-e6)} Nxd3 {[%eval -113,26] [%emt 0:00:03] (Sc5xd3 c2xd3 Wf8-f5 Wh3-g3 Ke7-f7 We1-c1 Kf7-g8 Wg3-g6 d5-d4+ Sf3xd4 Wf5xe5+ Ke3-f4 We5-d5 Sd4xc6 b7xc6 Wc1xc6 Wa8-d8 Wc6-c7 Wd5-d4+ Kf4-e3 Wd4xd3+ Ke3-f2 Wd3-d7 Wc7xd7 Wd8xd7 Wg6xe6 Wd7-d2+ We6-e2 Wd2-d3 Kf2-e1 Wd3-d4)} 24. cxd3 {[%eval 146,30] [%emt 0:00:07] (c2xd3 Wf8-f5 Wh3-g3 Wa8-g8 We1-c1 Ke7-f7 b2-b4 g7-g6 Wg3-g4 Wg8-f8 Wg4-f4 Kf7-e7 Wf4xf5 Wf8xf5 d3-d4 Ke7-d8 g2-g4 Wf5-f7 Sf3-g1 Gc6-b5 Sg1-h3 Kd8-d7 Sh3-f4 g6-g5 h4xg5 h6xg5 Sf4-h3 Wf7-g7 Wc1-h1)} Rf5 {[%eval -122,29] [%emt 0:00:11] (Wf8-f5 Wh3-g3 Ke7-f8 We1-c1 Kf8-g8 Wc1-c5 Kg8-h7 Wg3-g4 Wa8-d8 a3-a4 Wd8-f8 a4-a5 g7-g6 Ke3-d2 h6-h5 Wg4-b4 Kh7-h6 Kd2-e3 Wf8-f7 b2-b3 Wf7-f8 Wb4-b6 Wf5-f4 Wc5xc6 b7xc6 Wb6xc6 d5-d4+ Sf3xd4 Wf4xh4 Sd4xe6)} 25. Rg3 {[%eval 140, 28] [%emt 0:00:05] (Wh3-g3 Wa8-g8 We1-c1 Ke7-f7 b2-b4 g7-g6 Wg3-g4 Kf7-e7 Ke3-d2 Ke7-d7 Wc1-e1 h6-h5 Wg4-g3 d5-d4 Sf3xd4 Wf5-f4 Kd2-e3 Wf4xh4 We1-f1 Gc6-d5 Wf1-f7+ Kd7-c8 Wf7-f6 g6-g5 Sd4xe6 Wg8-e8 Se6xg5 We8xe5+ Sg5-e4)} Rg8 { [%eval -125,28] [%emt 0:00:24] (Wa8-g8 We1-c1 a6-a5 b2-b3 g7-g5 h4xg5 h6xg5 d3-d4 Wf5-f7 Wc1-c5 Wf7-f4 Sf3-d2 a5-a4 b3xa4 Ke7-f7 a4-a5 Kf7-g6 Wc5-c1 Wg8-a8 Sd2-b3 Kg6-f5 Wg3-f3 Kf5-g4 Wf3xf4+ g5xf4+ Ke3-f2 Wa8-a6 Wc1-h1 Wa6-a8)} 26. Rc1 {[%eval 140,27] [%emt 0:00:08] (We1-c1 d5-d4+ Ke3xd4 Ke7-d7 b2-b3 g7-g5 h4xg5 h6xg5 Sf3-d2 Wf5-f2 Sd2-e4 Gc6xe4 d3xe4 Wf2-d2+ Wg3-d3 Wd2xd3+ Kd4xd3 Wg8-h8 Kd3-e3 Wh8-h4 g2-g3 Wh4-h2 Wc1-d1+ Kd7-c7 Wd1-d2 Wh2xd2 Ke3xd2 Kc7-b6 Kd2-d3 Kb6-b5 Kd3-d4 g5-g4)} g6 {[%eval -130,27] [%emt 0:00:13] (g7-g6 d3-d4 Ke7-d8 Sf3-e1 Gc6-b5 b2-b3 Wf5-h5 a3-a4 Gb5-d7 Se1-f3 Wh5-f5 Wc1-h1 Wg8-g7 Sf3-e1 Gd7-e8 Se1-d3 Wg7-c7 Ke3-d2 a6-a5 Wh1-g1 Kd8-e7 Wg3-f3 b7-b6)} 27. d4 {[%eval 120,29] [%emt 0:00:07] (d3-d4 Ke7-d8 Sf3-e1 Wf5-h5 Se1-d3 Wh5xh4 Sd3-c5 g6-g5 Wc1-f1 Kd8-e7 Wf1-f6 Gc6-d7 Sc5xb7 Wh4-e4+ Ke3-d3 Gd7-b5+ Kd3-c2 Wg8-c8+ Sb7-c5 We4xd4 b2-b4 Wd4-e4 Wf6xe6+ Ke7-f7 We6xh6 We4xe5 Kc2-c3 We5-f5 Wh6-b6 d5-d4+ Kc3xd4 Gb5-f1 Kd4-c3)} Kd8 {[%eval -137,27] [%emt 0:00:04] (Ke7-d8 Sf3-e1 Gc6-b5 b2-b3 Wf5-h5 a3-a4 Gb5-d7 Se1-f3 Wh5-f5 Wc1-h1 Gd7-e8 Sf3-e1 a6-a5 Se1-d3 b7-b6 Wg3-f3 Wf5xf3+ g2xf3 Wg8-g7 Sd3-f4 Kd8-d7 Wh1-g1 g6-g5 h4xg5 h6xg5 Sf4-h3 Wg7-h7 Wg1-g3 Ge8-g6 Sh3xg5 Wh7-h6)} 28. Ne1 {[%eval 118,29] [%emt 0:00:06] (Sf3-e1 Wf5-h5 Se1-d3 Wh5xh4 Sd3-c5 g6-g5 Wc1-f1 Kd8-e7 Wf1-f6 Gc6-d7 Sc5xb7 Wh4-e4+ Ke3-d3 Gd7-b5+ Kd3-c2 We4xd4 Wg3-c3 Wd4-c4 Sb7-c5 Wg8-c8 b2-b4 Wc4-g4 Wc3-f3 Wc8xc5+ b4xc5 Wg4xg2+ Kc2-b3 Ke7-d7 Kb3-b4 Wg2-b2+ Kb4-c3 Wb2-b1 Wf6-g6)} Rh5 {[%eval -110,27] [%emt 0:00:14] (Wf5-h5 Se1-d3 Wh5xh4 Sd3-c5 g6-g5 Wg3-f3 Kd8-c7 Wf3-f6 Wh4-g4 Wc1-c2 h6-h5 Sc5xa6+ Kc7-b6 Sa6-c5 h5-h4 Sc5xe6 Wg8-h8 Ke3-f3 Wg4-e4 Wf6-g6 h4-h3 g2xh3 Wh8xh3+ Kf3-g2 Wh3-d3)} 29. Nd3 {[%eval 158,28] [%emt 0:00:06] (Se1-d3 Wh5xh4 Sd3-c5 g6-g5 Wg3-f3 Kd8-c7 Wf3-f6 Wh4-g4 Wc1-c2 h6-h5 Sc5xa6+ Kc7-b6 Sa6-c5 Wg8-h8 Wc2-d2 h5-h4 Ke3-f3 Wg4xd4 Wd2xd4 Kb6xc5 Kf3-e3 h4-h3 b2-b4+ Kc5-b5 g2xh3 Wh8xh3+ Ke3-e2 Gc6-d7 Wf6-f7 Gd7-c6 Wf7-e7 Wh3-h6 Ke2-f2 Kb5-a4 Kf2-g3 Ka4xa3 b4-b5 Gc6xb5 We7xb7 Gb5-c4)} Rxh4 {[%eval -121,26] [%emt 0:00:06] (Wh5xh4 Sd3-c5 g6-g5 Wc1-f1 Kd8-e7 Wf1-f6 Gc6-d7 Sc5xb7 Wh4-e4+ Ke3-d3 Gd7-b5+ Kd3-c2 We4xd4 Wg3-c3 Wd4-c4 Wc3xc4 d5xc4 Sb7-c5 Wg8-c8 Wf6xe6+ Ke7-f7 We6-f6+ Kf7-e7 Sc5-e4 c4-c3 b2xc3 Wc8-f8 Wf6xh6 Wf8-f5 c3-c4 Gb5xc4 Kc2-c3)} 30. Nc5 {[%eval 148,27] [%emt 0:00:05] (Sd3-c5 g6-g5 Wg3-f3 Wh4-g4 Wf3-f7 Wg8-e8 Wc1-c2 h6-h5 Sc5xb7+ Gc6xb7 Wf7xb7 h5-h4 Wb7-a7 Wg4-g3+ Ke3-f2 g5-g4 Wa7-a8+ Kd8-e7 Wc2-c7+ Ke7-f8 Wa8-a7 We8-b8 b2-b4 Wg3xa3 b4-b5 Kf8-g8 b5-b6 Wb8-f8+ Kf2-e1 h4-h3 g2xh3 g4xh3) } g5 {[%emt 0:00:05] (g6-g5 Wc1-f1 Kd8-e7 Wf1-f6 Gc6-d7 Sc5xb7 Wh4-e4+ Ke3-d3 Gd7-b5+ Kd3-c2 We4xd4 Wg3-c3 Wd4-c4 Sb7-c5 Wc4-f4 Wf6xe6+ Ke7-f7 We6xh6 Wf4-f2+ Kc2-b3 Gb5-c4+ Kb3-a4 g5-g4 Sc5-b7 Kf7-g7 Wh6-b6 Wg8-e8 g2-g3 Gc4-b5+ Ka4-b4 Wf2xb2+ Kb4-a5) -1.21/25} 31. Rf3 {[%eval 157,28] [%emt 0:00:10] (Wg3-f3 Wh4-g4 Wf3-f7 Wg8-e8 Wf7-f6 Kd8-c8 Sc5xe6 Wg4xg2 Se6-g7 We8-h8 e5-e6 Wg2-g4 Ke3-f2 Wg4-e4 Sg7-f5 Kc8-b8 Wc1-e1 We4-f4+ Kf2-g1 h6-h5 e6-e7 Wh8-e8 Wf6-f8 Kb8-a7 We1-e5 h5-h4 Wf8xe8 Gc6xe8 Sf5-g7)} Rg4 {[%eval -129,25] [%emt 0: 00:13] (Wh4-g4 Wf3-f7 Wg8-e8 Wf7-f6 Wg4xg2 Sc5xe6+ Kd8-d7 Se6-g7 We8-e7 e5-e6+ Kd7-d8 Sg7-f5 We7-e8 Sf5-d6 We8-e7 Wc1-h1 Gc6-b5 Wh1xh6 Wg2xb2 Sd6-f5 We7-e8 Sf5-g7 We8-g8 Wf6-f7 Kd8-c8 Sg7-f5 Wb2-b3+ Ke3-d2 Kc8-b8)} 32. Rf7 {[%eval 150, 27] [%emt 0:00:07] (Wf3-f7 Wg8-e8 Wf7-f6 Kd8-c8 Sc5xe6 Wg4xg2 Se6-g7 We8-h8 e5-e6 Wg2-g4 Wf6-f7 Kc8-b8 e6-e7 Wg4-e4+ Ke3-f2 Wh8-c8 Wc1-e1 We4xd4 Wf7-f8 Wd4-f4+ Wf8xf4 g5xf4 Kf2-f3 h6-h5 Sg7xh5 d5-d4+ Kf3xf4 Gc6-b5 Sh5-f6 d4-d3 We1-d1 Wc8-c7)} Re8 {[%eval -131,24] [%emt 0:00:01] (Wg8-e8 Wf7-f6 Wg4xg2 Sc5xe6+ Kd8-c8 Se6-g7 We8-g8 Sg7-f5 Kc8-d8 e5-e6 Wg8-e8 Wc1-h1 Wg2xb2 Wh1xh6 Gc6-b5 Sf5-g7 We8-g8 Wf6-f7 Wb2-e2+ Ke3-f3 Kd8-c8 Sg7-f5 Kc8-b8 e6-e7 Wg8-e8 Wh6-d6 Kb8-c7)} 33. Rf6 {[%eval 146,26] [%emt 0:00:05] (Wf7-f6 We8-e7 Sc5xe6+ Kd8-c8 Wf6-f8+ Kc8-d7 Se6-c5+ Kd7-c7 Wc1-c2 h6-h5 Sc5xa6+ b7xa6 Wf8-f6 Kc7-b7 Wc2xc6 Wg4-g3+ Ke3-f2 Wg3-b3 Kf2-g1 g5-g4 Kg1-h2 h5-h4 Wf6-g6 Wb3xb2 Wc6-c3 h4-h3 Wg6xg4 h3xg2 Wg4xg2 Wb2-b1 Wg2-g4 We7-h7+ Kh2-g2 Wb1-d1)} Rxg2 {[%eval -144,21] [%emt 0:00:03] (Wg4xg2 Sc5xe6+ Kd8-c8 Se6-g7 We8-h8 e5-e6 Wg2-g4 Wf6-f7 Kc8-b8 e6-e7 Wg4-e4+ Ke3-f2 Wh8-c8 Wc1-e1 We4xd4 We1-e6 Gc6-b5 Wf7-f8 Wd4-d2+ Kf2-f3 Wd2xb2 Wf8-d8 Wb2-b3+ Kf3-g4 Wb3xa3 We6xh6 Wa3-a2 Wh6-h8)} 34. Nxe6+ {[%eval 145,30] [%emt 0:00:07] (Sc5xe6+ Kd8-c8 Se6-g7 We8-h8 e5-e6 Wg2-g4 Ke3-f2 Wg4-e4 Wf6-f7 Kc8-b8 e6-e7 Wh8-c8 Wc1-e1 We4xd4 Wf7-f8 Wd4-f4+ Wf8xf4 g5xf4 Kf2-f3 d5-d4+ Kf3xf4 d4-d3 We1-d1 Wc8-g8 Sg7-f5 Wg8-g6 Sf5-d4 Gc6-e8 Wd1xd3 Kb8-c7 Kf4-e5 Wg6-g5+ Sd4-f5 h6-h5 Wd3-c3+ Kc7-d7 b2-b3 Wg5-g2 Wc3-d3+ Kd7-c7 Wd3-d4 Wg2-e2+ Ke5-f6)} Kc8 {[%eval -112,20] [%emt 0:00:02] (Kd8-c8 Se6-g7 We8-h8 e5-e6 Wg2-g4 Ke3-f2 Wg4-e4 Wf6-f7 Kc8-b8 e6-e7 Wh8-c8 Wc1-e1 We4xd4 Wf7-f8 Wd4-f4+ Wf8xf4 g5xf4 Kf2-f3 d5-d4+ Kf3xf4 d4-d3 We1-d1 Gc6-b5 a3-a4 Gb5xa4 Wd1xd3 Wc8-c2 Wd3-d8+ Kb8-a7)} 35. Ng7 {[%eval 83,27] [%emt 0:00:15] (Se6-g7 We8-h8 Sg7-f5 h6-h5 e5-e6 Wg2-g4 Sf5-d6+ Kc8-c7 e6-e7 Kc7-d7 Wf6-f8 Kd7xe7 Wf8xh8 Ke7xd6 Wh8xh5 Wg4-g3+ Ke3-d2 Wg3-g4 Kd2-c3 Wg4-g3+ Kc3-c2 Wg3-g2+ Kc2-b3 a6-a5 Wc1-d1 Wg2-g3+ Kb3-a2 Wg3-g4 Ka2-b1 Kd6-c7 Kb1-c2 Kc7-b6 Kc2-c3 Wg4-g2 Wh5-h1 Wg2-g3+ Wd1-d3 Wg3-g2 Wh1-h6)} Rh8 {[%eval -137,25] [%emt 0:00:05] (We8-h8 e5-e6 Wg2-g4 Ke3-f2 Wg4-e4 Wf6-f7 Kc8-b8 e6-e7 Wh8-c8 Wc1-e1 We4xd4 Wf7-f8 Wd4-f4+ Wf8xf4 g5xf4 Kf2-f3 d5-d4+ Kf3xf4 Wc8-g8 Sg7-f5 d4-d3 We1-d1 Gc6-b5 Kf4-e5 Kb8-c7 Ke5-f6 Wg8-g2 Wd1xd3 Wg2xb2 Wd3-c3+ Kc7-b6 Wc3-e3)} 36. Nf5 {[%eval 86,31] [%emt 0:00:29] (Sg7-f5 h6-h5 e5-e6 Wg2-g4 e6-e7 Wh8-e8 Sf5-d6+ Kc8-d7 Sd6xe8 Kd7xe7 Wf6-h6 Wg4-e4+ Ke3-d3 Gc6-b5+ Kd3-c3 Gb5xe8 Wc1-f1 We4-e3+ Kc3-d2 We3-e4 Wf1-e1 We4xe1 Kd2xe1 a6-a5 Ke1-f2 h5-h4 Kf2-g1 b7-b5 Wh6-a6 a5-a4 Wa6-h6 Ke7-f8 Kg1-h2 Ge8-f7 Wh6-b6 Gf7-e8)} h5 { [%eval -72,21] [%emt 0:00:01] (h6-h5 e5-e6 Wg2-g4 e6-e7 Wh8-e8 Sf5-d6+ Kc8-d7 Sd6xe8 Kd7xe7 Wf6xc6 b7xc6 Se8-c7 Wg4-g3+ Ke3-f2 Wg3-b3 Wc1xc6 Wb3xb2+ Kf2-e3 Wb2-b3+ Ke3-e2 Ke7-d7 Wc6-c5 h5-h4 Sc7xd5 h4-h3 Ke2-f2 Kd7-e6 Sd5-e3 h3-h2)} 37. e6 {[%eval 89,29] [%emt 0:00:05] (e5-e6 Wg2-g4 e6-e7 Wh8-e8 Sf5-d6+ Kc8-d7 Sd6xe8 Kd7xe7 Wf6xc6 b7xc6 Se8-g7 Ke7-f6 Sg7xh5+ Kf6-g6 Wc1-h1 a6-a5 Wh1-h3 Wg4-g2 Wh3-g3 Wg2xb2 Sh5-f4+ Kg6-f6 Sf4-d3 Wb2-a2 Wg3-h3 Wa2xa3 Wh3-h6+ Kf6-f5 Wh6xc6 g5-g4 Wc6-c5 Kf5-e6 Wc5-c1)} Rg4 {[%eval -75,23] [%emt 0:00:02] (Wg2-g4 e6-e7 Wh8-e8 Sf5-d6+ Kc8-d7 Sd6xe8 Kd7xe7 Wf6-h6 Wg4-e4+ Ke3-d3 Gc6-b5+ Kd3-c3 Gb5xe8 Wc1-f1 We4-e3+ Kc3-d2 We3-e4 Wf1-e1 We4xe1 Kd2xe1 h5-h4 Ke1-f2 a6-a5 Kf2-f3 Ge8-d7 Wh6-h7+ Ke7-d6 Wh7-h5 g5-g4+ Kf3-f4)} 38. Kd3 {[%emt 0:00:22] (Ke3-d3 h5-h4 Wf6-f7 Wg4-f4 e6-e7 Wh8-e8 Sf5-d6+ Kc8-d7 Wf7xf4 Kd7xd6 Wf4-g4 We8xe7 Wg4xg5 We7-f7 Kd3-e3 Wf7-e7+ Ke3-d2 We7-e4 Kd2-d3 We4-f4 Wg5-g7 Wf4-f3+ Kd3-d2 Wf3-f4 Kd2-c3 Wf4-f3+ Kc3-b4 Wf3-d3 Wg7-g4 h4-h3 Wg4-h4 Gc6-d7 Wh4-h6+ Gd7-e6 Wc1-e1) +1.60/31} Kc7 {[%eval -87,21] [%emt 0:00:05] (Kc8-c7 a3-a4 Wg4-f4 b2-b4 Kc7-b6 e6-e7 Wh8-e8 b4-b5 a6xb5 a4xb5 Wf4xf5 Wf6xf5 Gc6xb5+ Kd3-d2 We8xe7 Wf5xd5 We7-d7 Wc1-c5 Wd7xd5 Wc5xd5 h5-h4 Wd5xg5 h4-h3 Wg5-g6+ Kb6-a5 Kd2-c3 Gb5-f1 Wg6-h6 Ka5-b5 d4-d5 Kb5-c5 d5-d6)} 39. a4 {[%eval 170,23] [%emt 0:00:02] (a3-a4 Wh8-e8 b2-b4 Wg4-e4 e6-e7 Kc7-b8 Wc1-c5 Gc6xa4 Wc5xd5 We4-e1 Kd3-d2 We1-e4 Wf6-d6 Kb8-a7 Wd6-d8 We8xe7 Sf5xe7 We4xe7 Wd5xg5 Ga4-b5 Wg5-e5 We7-c7 d4-d5 h5-h4 Wd8-h8 Wc7-c4 Kd2-e3 Wc4xb4 We5-e4 Wb4-b3+ Ke3-d4 Wb3-d3+ Kd4-c5 Wd3-c3+ Kc5-d6 h4-h3)} Rf4 {[%eval -138,24] [%emt 0:00:12] (Wg4-f4 b2-b4)} 40. b4 {[%eval 165,29] [%emt 0:00:08] (b2-b4 Kc7-d8 Wf6-f7 Wf4xf5 Wf7xf5 h5-h4 Wf5xg5 Kd8-e7 a4-a5 h4-h3 Wc1-h1 Ke7xe6 Wg5-g3 h3-h2 Wg3-g2 Wh8-h3+ Kd3-c2 Gc6-a4+ Kc2-d2 Ga4-b5 Wg2xh2 Wh3-d3+ Kd2-c2 Wd3xd4 Wh2-h6+ Ke6-f5 Wh1-h5+ Kf5-e4 Wh6-e6+ Ke4-f4 We6-e7 Kf4-g4 Wh5-h7 Kg4-f5 Kc2-b3 Wd4-d3+ Kb3-b2 Wd3-d4 Wh7-f7+ Kf5-g6 Kb2-b3 Wd4-d3+ Kb3-c2 Wd3-d4 Wf7-g7+ Kg6-f6 We7-f7+ Kf6-e5 Wg7-g5+ Ke5-d6)} Kd8 {[%eval -148,18] [%emt 0:00: 00] (Kc7-d8 Wf6-f7 Wf4xf5 Wf7xf5 h5-h4 Wc1-e1 h4-h3 Wf5xg5 Kd8-e7 b4-b5 a6xb5 Wg5-g7+ Ke7-d6 a4-a5 b5-b4 e6-e7 Gc6-e8 Kd3-c2 Kd6-c6 Wg7-g5 Wh8-h4 We1-h1 Kc6-d6 Kc2-b3 Wh4xd4)} 41. Rf7 {[%eval 172,24] [%emt 0:00:02] (Wf6-f7 Wf4xf5 Wf7xf5 h5-h4 a4-a5 h4-h3 Wf5xg5 Kd8-e7 Wc1-h1 Ke7xe6 Wg5-g3 h3-h2 Wg3-g2 Wh8-h3+ Kd3-c2 Gc6-a4+ Kc2-d2 Ga4-b5 Kd2-c1 Wh3-c3+ Wg2-c2 Wc3-b3 Wc2xh2 Wb3xb4 Wh2-h6+ Ke6-f5 Wh1-h4 Gb5-c6 Wh6-h5+ Kf5-e6 Wh4-f4 Ke6-d6 Wh5-h7 Kd6-e6 Kc1-d2 Wb4-a4)} Rxf5 {[%eval -181,21] [%emt 0:00:02] (Wf4xf5 Wf7xf5 Kd8-e7 Wc1-e1 Gc6xa4 Wf5-f7+ Ke7-d6 e6-e7 Wh8-e8 We1-e5 Ga4-c6 Kd3-e3 h5-h4 Ke3-f3 Gc6-d7 Wf7-f6+ Kd6-c7 Wf6-g6 g5-g4+ Kf3-g2 We8-h8 Kg2-g1 Wh8-e8 Wg6-h6 h4-h3 Kg1-h2 b7-b6 Kh2-g3 a6-a5)} 42. Rxf5 {[%eval 183,26] [%emt 0:00:03] (Wf7xf5 h5-h4 Wf5xg5 Kd8-e7 a4-a5 Ke7xe6 Kd3-e3 h4-h3 Ke3-f4 h3-h2 Wc1-h1 Wh8-h3 Wg5-g6+ Ke6-e7 Kf4-f5 Wh3-h4 Kf5-g5 Wh4xd4 Wh1xh2 Wd4-e4 Wh2-h7+ Ke7-d8 b4-b5 Gc6xb5 Wh7xb7 We4-e8 Wg6-g7 Kd8-c8 Wb7-a7 Kc8-b8 Wg7-h7 d5-d4 Wh7-b7+ Kb8-c8)} Ke7 {[%eval -195,25] [%emt 0:00:05] (Kd8-e7 Wc1-e1 Gc6xa4 Wf5-f7+ Ke7-d6 e6-e7 Wh8-e8 We1-e5 Ga4-c6 Kd3-e3 h5-h4 Ke3-f3 Gc6-d7 Wf7-f6+ Kd6-c7 Wf6-h6 We8-g8 Kf3-g2 Gd7-e8 Kg2-f2 Kc7-d7 We5xd5+ Kd7xe7 Wh6-h7+ Ke7-e6 Wd5-e5+ Ke6-d6 Wh7xb7 g5-g4 Wb7-h7)} 43. Rxg5 {[%eval 212,28] [%emt 0:00:05] (Wf5xg5 h5-h4 Kd3-e3 Ke7xe6 a4-a5 h4-h3 Ke3-f4 h3-h2 Wc1-h1 Ke6-f6 Wg5-g2 Wh8-h4+ Kf4-e3 Wh4-h3+ Ke3-d2 Gc6-b5 Kd2-c1 Kf6-f5 Wg2xh2 Wh3xh2 Wh1xh2 Kf5-e4 Kc1-d2 Ke4xd4 Wh2-h4+ Kd4-e5 Kd2-e3 Gb5-e8 Wh4-g4 Ge8-d7 Wg4-g5+ Gd7-f5 Ke3-e2 Ke5-f6 Wg5-g8 Gf5-d7 Ke2-d3 Kf6-e5 Wg8-g5+ Gd7-f5+ Kd3-e3)} h4 {[%eval -210,18] [%emt 0:00: 01] (h5-h4 b4-b5 a6xb5 a4-a5 h4-h3 Wc1-e1 h3-h2 Wg5-g7+ Ke7-d6 e6-e7 Gc6-e8 We1-h1 Wh8-h3+ Kd3-c2 Wh3-h4 Kc2-b2 Ge8-d7 Wg7-g2 Wh4xd4)} 44. Ke3 {[%eval 232, 25] [%emt 0:00:02] (Kd3-e3 h4-h3 Ke3-f4 Ke7-f6 a4-a5 h3-h2 Wc1-h1 Wh8-h4+ Wg5-g4 Wh4-h3 Wg4-g3 Wh3-h4+ Kf4-e3 Kf6xe6 Wg3-g2 Wh4-h3+ Ke3-d2 Gc6-b5 Kd2-c1 Wh3-c3+ Wg2-c2 Wc3-b3 Wc2xh2 Wb3xb4 Wh2-h6+ Ke6-f5 Wh1-h4 Gb5-c6 Wh6-h5+ Kf5-e6)} h3 {[%eval -127,23] [%emt 0:00:02] (h4-h3 Ke3-f4 Ke7xe6 a4-a5 h3-h2 Wc1-h1 Ke6-f6 Wg5-g2 Wh8-h4+ Kf4-e3 Wh4-h3+ Ke3-d2 Gc6-b5 Wg2xh2 Wh3-d3+ Kd2-c2 Wd3xd4 Wh2-h6+ Kf6-f5 Wh1-h5+ Kf5-e4 Wh5-h4+ Ke4-e3 Wh4-h3+ Ke3-e4 Kc2-c3 Wd4-c4+ Kc3-b3 Wc4-c1)} 45. Kf4 {[%eval 242,27] [%emt 0:00:02] (Ke3-f4 Ke7-f6 a4-a5 h3-h2 Wc1-h1 Wh8-h4+ Wg5-g4 Wh4-h3 Wg4-g3 Wh3-h4+ Kf4-e3 Kf6xe6 Wg3-g2 Wh4-h3+ Ke3-d2 Gc6-b5 Kd2-c1 Wh3-c3+ Wg2-c2 Wc3-b3 Wc2xh2 Wb3xb4 Wh2-h6+ Ke6-f5 Wh1-h4 Wb4-c4+ Kc1-b2 Wc4-b4+ Kb2-c3 Wb4-c4+ Kc3-b3 Gb5-a4+ Kb3-b2 Ga4-c6 Wh6-h5+ Kf5-e6 Wh5-h7 Ke6-f5)} Kxe6 {[%eval -148,22] [%emt 0:00: 01] (Ke7xe6 a4-a5 h3-h2 Wc1-h1 Ke6-f6 Wg5-g2 Wh8-h4+ Kf4-e3 Wh4-h3+ Ke3-d2 Gc6-b5 Kd2-c1 Wh3-h4 Wg2-d2 Kf6-f5 Wh1xh2 Wh4xh2 Wd2xh2 Kf5-e4 Kc1-d2 Ke4xd4 Wh2-h4+ Kd4-e5 Kd2-e3 Gb5-e8 Wh4-g4 Ge8-d7 Wg4-g5+ Gd7-f5)} 46. a5 {[%eval 251, 23] [%emt 0:00:01] (a4-a5 h3-h2 Wc1-h1 Ke6-f6 Wg5-g2 Wh8-h4+ Kf4-e3 Wh4-h3+ Ke3-d2 Gc6-b5 Kd2-c1 Wh3-c3+ Wg2-c2 Wc3-d3 Wc2-d2 Wd3-b3 Wd2-f2+ Kf6-e7 Wh1xh2 Wb3xb4 Wf2-f4 Gb5-c6 Wh2-h7+ Ke7-e6 Wh7-h6+ Ke6-e7 Wf4-g4 Ke7-f7 Kc1-d2)} h2 { [%eval -187,23] [%emt 0:00:02] (h3-h2 Wc1-h1 Wh8-h3 Wg5-g6+ Ke6-e7 Kf4-f5 Wh3-h4 Kf5-g5 Wh4xd4 Wh1xh2 Wd4xb4 Wh2-h7+ Ke7-f8 Wg6-g7 Wb4-b1 Wg7-c7 Kf8-g8 Wh7-g7+ Kg8-f8 Kg5-f6 Wb1-f1+ Kf6-e5 d5-d4 Ke5xd4 Wf1-d1+ Kd4-e5 Wd1-e1+ Ke5-f4 We1-f1+ Kf4-e3 Wf1-e1+ Ke3-d2 We1-f1 Wg7-h7)} 47. Rh1 {[%eval 146,32] [%emt 0:00:06] (Wc1-h1 Wh8-h4+ Wg5-g4 Wh4-h3 Wg4-g6+ Ke6-e7 Kf4-f5 Wh3-h4 Kf5-g5 Wh4xd4 Wh1xh2 Wd4xb4 Wh2-h7+ Ke7-f8 Wg6-g7 Wb4-b1 Kg5-f6 Wb1-f1+ Kf6-e6 Wf1-e1+ Ke6-d6 We1-e4 Wg7-c7 Kf8-g8 Wh7-f7 d5-d4 Wf7-e7 We4xe7 Kd6xe7 Kg8-g7 Wc7-c8 Kg7-g6 Ke7-e6 d4-d3 Wc8-g8+ Kg6-h5 Wg8-d8 Gc6-b5 Ke6-f5 Kh5-h4 Kf5-f4)} Rh3 {[%eval -173,22] [%emt 0:00:01] (Wh8-h3 Wg5-g6+ Ke6-e7 Kf4-f5 Wh3-h4 Kf5-g5 Wh4xd4 Wh1xh2 Wd4xb4 Wh2-h7+ Ke7-f8 Wg6-g7 Wb4-b1 Wg7-c7 Kf8-g8 Wh7-f7 Wb1-e1 Kg5-f6 We1-f1+ Kf6-e6 Wf1-e1+ Ke6-d6 We1-g1 Wf7-f4 Wg1-e1 Wc7-e7 We1-e4 Wf4xe4 d5xe4 Kd6-e6 Kg8-f8)} 48. Rg6+ {[%eval 139,29] [%emt 0:00:01] (Wg5-g6+ Ke6-e7 Kf4-f5 Wh3-h4 Kf5-g5 Wh4xd4 Wh1xh2 Wd4xb4 Wh2-h7+ Ke7-f8 Wg6-g7 Wb4-b1 Wg7-c7 Kf8-g8 Wh7-f7 Wb1-g1+ Kg5-f6 Wg1-f1+ Kf6-e6 Wf1-e1+ Ke6-d6 We1-e4 Wf7-h7 We4-f4 Wc7-g7+ Kg8-f8 Kd6-e5 Wf4-e4+ Ke5-f5 We4-e1 Wg7-c7 Kf8-g8 Wh7-g7+ Kg8-f8 Kf5-f6 We1-f1+ Kf6-e6 Wf1-e1+ Ke6-d6 We1-f1 Wg7-e7 Kf8-g8 We7-e5 d5-d4 Kd6-e6 d4-d3 Wc7-c8+ Kg8-h7 Wc8-d8 Wf1-f3 Wd8-d6 Gc6-b5)} Ke7 { [%eval -141,23] [%emt 0:00:01] (Ke6-e7 Kf4-f5 Wh3-h4 Kf5-g5 Wh4xd4 Wh1xh2 Wd4xb4 Wh2-h7+ Ke7-f8 Wg6-g7 Wb4-b1 Wg7-c7 Kf8-g8 Wh7-f7 Wb1-g1+ Kg5-f6 Wg1-f1+ Kf6-e6 Wf1-e1+ Ke6-d6 We1-e4 Wf7-g7+ Kg8-f8 Wg7-h7 Kf8-g8 Wc7-g7+ Kg8-f8 Wg7-f7+ Kf8-e8 Wf7-f5 Ke8-d8 Wf5-f8+ We4-e8 Wf8xe8+ Kd8xe8 Wh7-h8+ Ke8-f7)} 49. Kf5 {[%eval 236,29] [%emt 0:00:02] (Kf4-f5 Wh3-h4 Kf5-g5 Wh4xd4 Wh1xh2 Wd4xb4 Wh2-h7+ Ke7-f8 Wg6-g7 Wb4-b1 Wg7-c7 Kf8-g8 Wh7-f7 Wb1-g1+ Kg5-f6 Wg1-f1+ Kf6-e6 Wf1-e1+ Ke6-d6 We1-e4 Wf7-g7+ Kg8-f8 Wg7-h7 Kf8-g8 Wh7-f7 d5-d4 Wf7-e7 We4xe7 Kd6xe7 Kg8-g7 Ke7-e6+ Kg7-g6 Wc7-c8 d4-d3 Wc8-g8+ Kg6-h5 Wg8-d8 Kh5-g4 Wd8xd3 Kg4-f4 Wd3-d4+ Kf4-e3 Ke6-e5 Ke3-e2 Ke5-d6 Ke2-e3 Kd6-c5 Gc6-b5 Kc5-d5 Gb5-c6+ Kd5-c4 Ke3-f3 Wd4-h4)} Rh4 {[%eval -130,22] [%emt 0:00:01] (Wh3-h4 Kf5-g5 Wh4xd4 Wh1xh2 Wd4xb4 Wh2-h7+ Ke7-f8 Wg6-g7 Wb4-b1 Wg7-c7 Kf8-g8 Wh7-f7 Wb1-g1+ Kg5-f6 Wg1-f1+ Kf6-e6 Wf1-e1+ Ke6-d6 We1-e4 Wf7-e7 We4xe7 Kd6xe7 Kg8-g7 Wc7-c8 Kg7-g6 Ke7-e6 Kg6-g5 Ke6-e5 Kg5-g4 Wc8-f8 Kg4-g3 Wf8-f7 Kg3-g2 Ke5-d4 Kg2-g3 Wf7-f5 Kg3-g4 Wf5-e5 Kg4-f3 We5-e3+ Kf3-f2)} 50. Kg5 { [%emt 0:00:02] (Kf5-g5 Wh4xd4 Wh1xh2 Wd4xb4 Wh2-h7+ Ke7-f8 Wg6-g7 Wb4-b1 Wg7-c7 Kf8-g8 Wh7-f7 Wb1-g1+ Kg5-f6 Wg1-f1+ Kf6-e6 Wf1-e1+ Ke6-d6 We1-e4 Wf7-g7+ Kg8-f8 Wg7-h7 Kf8-g8 Wh7-f7 We4-e2 Wf7-f4 We2-e4 Wc7-f7 Kg8-h8 Wf4-f3 Kh8-g8 Wf7-f5 We4-g4 Wf5-f4 Wg4-g1 Wf4-f8+ Kg8-g7) +2.09/28} Rxd4 {[%eval -102, 22] [%emt 0:00:01] (Wh4xd4 Wh1xh2 Wd4xb4 Wh2-h7+ Ke7-f8 Wg6-g7 Wb4-b1 Wg7-c7 Kf8-g8 Wh7-f7 Wb1-g1+ Kg5-f6 Wg1-f1+ Kf6-e6 Wf1-e1+ Ke6-d6 We1-e4 Wf7-e7 We4xe7 Kd6xe7 Kg8-g7 Ke7-e6+ Kg7-g6 Wc7-c8 Kg6-g5 Ke6-e5 Kg5-g4 Wc8-f8 Kg4-g3 Wf8-f4 Gc6-b5 Wf4-d4 Gb5-c6)} 51. Rxh2 {[%eval 196,29] [%emt 0:00:02] (Wh1xh2 Wd4xb4 Wh2-h7+ Ke7-f8 Wg6-g7 Wb4-b3 Wg7-c7 Kf8-g8 Wh7-f7 Wb3-g3+ Kg5-f4 Wg3-h3 Kf4-e5 Wh3-e3+ Ke5-d6 d5-d4 Wf7-g7+ Kg8-h8 Wg7-h7+ Kh8-g8 Wc7-g7+ Kg8-f8 Wg7-f7+ Kf8-g8 Wh7-g7+ Kg8-h8 Wg7-g4 d4-d3 Wf7-f5 We3-h3 Wf5-f2 Kh8-h7 Kd6-e5 Gc6-f3 Wg4-g5 Wh3-h5 Wg5xh5+ Gf3xh5 Ke5-d4 Gh5-e2 Kd4-e3 Kh7-g6 Wf2-f4 Kg6-g5)} Rxb4 {[%eval -78,21] [%emt 0:00:03] (Wd4xb4 Wh2-h7+ Ke7-f8 Wg6-g7 Wb4-b1 Wg7-c7 Kf8-g8 Wh7-f7 Wb1-g1+ Kg5-f6 Wg1-f1+ Kf6-e6 Wf1-e1+ Ke6-d6 We1-e4 Wf7-f5 d5-d4 Wf5-e5 We4-g4 We5-e7 Wg4-f4 Kd6-e5 Wf4-e4+ Ke5-f6 We4xe7 Wc7xe7 Kg8-f8 We7-e6 d4-d3 We6-d6 Kf8-e8 Wd6xd3)} 52. Rh7+ {[%eval 242,27] [%emt 0:00: 02] (Wh2-h7+ Ke7-f8 Wg6-g7 Wb4-b3 Wg7-c7 Kf8-g8 Wh7-f7 Wb3-g3+ Kg5-f6 Wg3-f3+ Kf6-e6 Wf3-e3+ Ke6-d6 d5-d4 Wf7-g7+ Kg8-h8 Wg7-h7+ Kh8-g8 Wc7-g7+ Kg8-f8 Wg7-f7+ Kf8-g8 Wh7-g7+ Kg8-h8 Wg7-g4 d4-d3 Wf7-f5 We3-h3 Kd6-e7 d3-d2 Wg4-d4 Kh8-g7 Wf5-g5+ Kg7-h6 Ke7-f6 Gc6-e4 Wg5-g1 Wh3-f3+ Kf6-e5 Ge4-g6 Wg1-h1+ Kh6-g5 Wd4xd2 Wf3-e3+ Ke5-d6 We3-a3 Kd6-e7 Wa3-e3+ Ke7-f8)} Kf8 {[%eval -73,21] [%emt 0:00:01] (Ke7-f8 Wg6-g7 Wb4-b1 Wg7-c7 Kf8-g8 Kg5-f6 Wb1-f1+ Kf6-e6 Wf1-e1+ Ke6-d6 We1-e4 Wh7-g7+ Kg8-f8 Wg7-g5 d5-d4 Wg5-f5+ Kf8-g8 Wf5-e5 We4-g4 We5-e7 Wg4-f4 We7-g7+ Kg8-f8 Wg7-h7 Kf8-g8 Kd6-e5 Wf4-f1 Wh7-g7+ Kg8-f8 Ke5-e6 d4-d3 Wc7-f7+ Wf1xf7 Wg7xf7+ Kf8-e8)} 53. Rgg7 {[%eval 248,28] [%emt 0:00:02] (Wg6-g7 Wb4-b1 Wg7-c7 Kf8-g8 Wh7-f7 Wb1-g1+ Kg5-f6 Wg1-f1+ Kf6-e6 Wf1-e1+ Ke6-d6 We1-e4 Wf7-g7+ Kg8-f8 Wg7-h7 Kf8-g8 Wh7-f7 d5-d4 Wf7-e7 We4-f4 Kd6-e5 Wf4-f1 Ke5xd4 Kg8-f8 Kd4-c5 Wf1-f2 We7-h7 Kf8-g8 Wh7-h5 Wf2-f6 Kc5-d4 Wf6-d6+ Kd4-c4 Wd6-f6 Kc4-c5 Gc6-f3 Wh5-g5+ Kg8-f8)} Rb2 {[%eval -197,30] [%emt 0:00: 13] (Wb4-b2 Wg7-c7)} 54. Rc7 {[%eval 324,29] [%emt 0:00:03] (Wg7-c7 Wb2-g2+ Kg5-f6 Wg2-f2+ Kf6-e6 Wf2-e2+ Ke6-d6 Kf8-g8 Wh7-f7 We2-e4 Wf7-g7+ Kg8-f8 Wg7-h7 Kf8-g8 Wh7-f7 We4-g4 Wf7-f5 Wg4-e4 Wc7-e7 We4-g4 Kd6-e6 Wg4-g2 We7-c7 Wg2-g6+ Ke6-e5 Wg6-g7 Wc7xg7+ Kg8xg7 Wf5-f4 Kg7-g6 Wf4-f2 Kg6-h5 Wf2-g2 Gc6-a4 Wg2-g3 Ga4-c6 Ke5-f5 Kh5-h4 Wg3-d3 Gc6-b5 Wd3xd5 Kh4-g3 Kf5-e5 Kg3-f3 Wd5-d4 Kf3-e3)} Kg8 {[%eval -215,23] [%emt 0:00:00] (Kf8-g8 Wh7-f7 Wb2-g2+ Kg5-f6 Wg2-f2+ Kf6-e6 Wf2-e2+ Ke6-d6 We2-e4 Wf7-g7+ Kg8-f8 Wg7-h7 Kf8-g8 Wh7-f7 d5-d4 Wf7-e7 We4-f4 Kd6-e5 Wf4-f3 Ke5xd4 Kg8-f8 We7-h7 Kf8-g8 Kd4-e5 Wf3-e3+ Ke5-f6 We3-f3+ Kf6-g5 Wf3-g3+ Kg5-f4 Wg3-f3+ Kf4-g4)} 55. Rhf7 {[%eval 328,29] [%emt 0:00:02] (Wh7-f7 Wb2-g2+ Kg5-f6 Wg2-f2+ Kf6-e6 Wf2-e2+ Ke6-d6 We2-e4 Wf7-g7+ Kg8-f8 Wg7-h7 Kf8-g8 Wh7-f7 We4-g4 Wf7-f5 Wg4-e4 Wc7-e7 We4-g4 Kd6-e6 Wg4-g6+ Ke6-e5 Wg6-g2 Ke5-f6 Kg8-f8 Kf6-e6+ Kf8-g8 We7-c7 Wg2-g6+ Ke6-e5 Wg6-g7 Wc7xg7+ Kg8xg7 Wf5-f4 Kg7-g6 Wf4-f2 Kg6-g7 Ke5-e6 Kg7-g6 Wf2-g2+ Kg6-h5 Ke6-e5 Kh5-h4 Ke5-f4 Kh4-h5 Wg2-g5+ Kh5-h4 Wg5-g3 Kh4-h5 Wg3-g2 d5-d4 Wg2-g3 Gc6-b5 Kf4-f5 Kh5-h6 Wg3-g6+ Kh6-h7)} Rg2+ {[%eval -276,27] [%emt 0:00:04] (Wb2-g2+ Kg5-f6 Wg2-f2+ Kf6-e6 Wf2-e2+ Ke6-d6 We2-e4 Wf7-g7+ Kg8-f8 Wg7-h7 Kf8-g8 Wh7-f7 d5-d4 Wf7-e7 We4-f4 Kd6-e5 Wf4-f1 Ke5xd4 Kg8-f8 We7-h7 Kf8-g8 Kd4-c5 Wf1-f3 Wh7-h5 Wf3-f6 Kc5-d4 Wf6-d6+ Kd4-c4 Wd6-g6 Wh5-f5 Wg6-g1 Kc4-c5 Wg1-g6 Kc5-d4)} 56. Kf6 {[%eval 328,31] [%emt 0:00:02] (Kg5-f6 Wg2-f2+ Kf6-e6 Wf2-e2+ Ke6-d6 We2-e4 Wf7-g7+ Kg8-f8 Wg7-h7 Kf8-g8 Wh7-f7 We4-g4 Wf7-f5 Wg4-e4 Wc7-e7 We4-g4 Kd6-e6 Wg4-g6+ Ke6-e5 Wg6-g1 We7-c7 Wg1-g6 Wf5-f3 Wg6-h6 Wf3-f4 Wh6-g6 Ke5-f5 Wg6-g7 Wc7xg7+ Kg8xg7 Kf5-e5 Kg7-g6 Wf4-f2 Kg6-g7 Ke5-e6 d5-d4 Wf2-d2 Kg7-f8 Ke6-d6 Kf8-f7 Wd2xd4 Kf7-e8 Kd6-e6 Gc6-b5 Wd4-h4 Gb5-d7+ Ke6-d6 Gd7-c6)} Rf2+ {[%eval -293,26] [%emt 0:00:01] (Wg2-f2+ Kf6-e6 Wf2-e2+ Ke6-d6 We2-e4 Wf7-g7+ Kg8-f8 Wg7-h7 Kf8-g8 Wh7-f7 We4-g4 Wf7-f5 Wg4-e4 Wc7-e7 We4-h4 We7-f7 Wh4-e4 Wf7-f8+ Kg8-g7 Wf5-f7+ Kg7-g6 Wf7-f1 Kg6-g7 Wf8-f4 We4xf4 Wf1xf4 Kg7-g6) } 57. Ke6 {[%eval 328,33] [%emt 0:00:02] (Kf6-e6 Wf2-e2+ Ke6-d6 We2-e4 Wf7-g7+ Kg8-f8 Wg7-h7 Kf8-g8 Wh7-f7 We4-g4 Wf7-f5 Wg4-e4 Wc7-e7 We4-g4 Kd6-e6 Wg4-g6+ Ke6-e5 Wg6-g1 We7-c7 Wg1-g6 Wf5-f3 Wg6-g7 Wc7xg7+ Kg8xg7 Wf3-f4 Kg7-g6 Wf4-f2 Kg6-g7 Ke5-e6 d5-d4 Wf2-d2 Kg7-f8 Wd2xd4 Kf8-e8 Ke6-d6 Gc6-f3 Wd4-h4 Gf3-g2 Wh4-h8+ Ke8-f7 Kd6-e5 Gg2-c6 Wh8-c8 Gc6-g2 Wc8-c7+ Kf7-e8)} Re2+ {[%eval -257, 26] [%emt 0:00:01] (Wf2-e2+ Ke6-d6 We2-e4 Wf7-g7+ Kg8-f8 Wg7-h7 Kf8-g8 Wh7-f7 We4-g4 Wf7-f5 Wg4-g7 Wc7xg7+ Kg8xg7 Wf5-f4 Kg7-g6 Kd6-e6 Kg6-g5 Ke6-e5 Kg5-g6 Wf4-f2 Kg6-g7 Ke5-e6 Kg7-g6 Wf2-g2+ Kg6-h5 Ke6-e5 Kh5-h4 Ke5-f4 Kh4-h5 Wg2-g1 Gc6-b5 Kf4-e5 Gb5-c6 Wg1-g3 Kh5-h4 Ke5-f4)} 58. Kd6 {[%eval 328,36] [%emt 0:00: 03] (Ke6-d6 We2-e4 Wf7-g7+ Kg8-f8 Wg7-h7 Kf8-g8 Wh7-f7 We4-g4 Wf7-f5 Wg4-e4 Wc7-e7 We4-g4 Kd6-e6 Wg4-g6+ Ke6-e5 Wg6-g1 We7-c7 Wg1-g6 Wc7-f7 Wg6-g5 Ke5-e6 Wg5-g6+ Wf5-f6 Wg6-g2 Wf7-f8+ Kg8-h7 Wf6-f7+ Wg2-g7 Wf7xg7+ Kh7xg7 Wf8-f3 d5-d4 Wf3-f7+ Kg7-g6 Wf7-f8 d4-d3 Wf8-g8+ Kg6-h5 Wg8-d8 Gc6-b5 Ke6-f5 Kh5-h4 Kf5-f4 Kh4-h5 Wd8-d6 Gb5-a4 Wd6xd3 Kh5-g6 Kf4-e5 Kg6-f7 Wd3-g3 Ga4-c6 Wg3-g5 Kf7-e8 Wg5-g7 Gc6-f3)} Re4 {[%eval -314,27] [%emt 0:00:05] (We2-e4 Wf7-g7+ Kg8-f8 Wg7-h7 Kf8-g8 Wh7-f7 d5-d4 Wf7-e7 We4-f4 Kd6-e5 Wf4-f2 Ke5xd4 Kg8-f8 We7-h7 Kf8-g8 Kd4-c5 Wf2-f1 Wh7-h5 Wf1-f6 Kc5-d4 Wf6-d6+ Kd4-c4 Wd6-g6 Wh5-f5 Wg6-g2 Kc4-c5 Wg2-g6 Wf5-e5 Kg8-f8 Kc5-b6 Wg6-h6 Kb6-a7 Wh6-h3 We5-f5+ Kf8-e8)} 59. Rg7+ {[%eval 328,33] [%emt 0:00:02] (Wf7-g7+ Kg8-f8 Wg7-h7 Kf8-g8 Wh7-f7 We4-g4 Wf7-f5 Wg4-e4 Wc7-e7 We4-g4 Kd6-e6 Wg4-g6+ Ke6-e5 Wg6-h6 We7-f7 Wh6-h5 Wf7-c7 Wh5-h6 Wf5-f4 Wh6-g6 Ke5-f5 Wg6-g7 Wc7-c8+ Kg8-f7 Kf5-e5+ Kf7-g6 Wc8-f8 Kg6-h7 Wf4-h4+ Kh7-g6 Ke5-e6 Gc6-d7+ Ke6-d6 Gd7-c6 Wf8-f1 d5-d4 Wf1-g1+ Kg6-f7 Wh4-f4+ Kf7-g8 Wg1xg7+ Kg8xg7 Wf4xd4 Kg7-f8 Wd4-h4 Kf8-f7 Wh4-g4 Gc6-h1 Wg4-f4+ Kf7-e8 Wf4-d4 Gh1-f3 Wd4-h4 Gf3-c6 Wh4-h7 Gc6-g2)} Kf8 {[%eval -329,26] [%emt 0:00:00] (Kg8-f8 Wg7-h7 Kf8-g8 Wh7-f7 d5-d4 Wf7-e7 We4-f4 Kd6-e5 Wf4-f2 Ke5xd4 Kg8-f8 We7-h7 Kf8-g8 Kd4-c5 Wf2-f3 Wh7-h5 Wf3-f6 Wh5-g5+ Kg8-f8 Wg5-g4 Wf6-f5+ Kc5-d6 Wf5-f6+ Kd6-e5 Wf6-h6 Wc7-g7 Wh6-h5+ Wg4-g5 Wh5xg5+ Wg7xg5)} 60. Rh7 {[%eval 387,35] [%emt 0:00:11] (Wg7-h7 Kf8-g8 Wh7-f7 d5-d4 Wf7-e7 We4-f4 Kd6-e5 Wf4-f2 Ke5xd4 Kg8-f8 We7-h7 Kf8-g8 Wh7-g7+ Kg8-f8 Kd4-c5 Wf2-f1 Wg7-h7 Kf8-g8 Wh7-h5 Wf1-f6 Wh5-g5+ Kg8-f8 Wg5-g4 Wf6-f5+ Kc5-d6 Wf5-f6+ Kd6-e5 Wf6-h6 Wc7-g7 Wh6-h5+ Wg4-g5 Wh5xg5+ Wg7xg5 Kf8-f7 Wg5-h5 Kf7-e8 Ke5-d6 Gc6-g2 Wh5-h7 Gg2-c6 Wh7-c7 Ke8-d8 Wc7-f7 Kd8-e8 Wf7-h7)} Kg8 {[%eval -319,23] [%emt 0:00:00] (Kf8-g8 Wh7-f7 d5-d4 Wf7-e7 We4-f4 Kd6-e5 Wf4-f2 Ke5xd4 Kg8-f8 We7-h7 Kf8-g8 Kd4-c5 Wf2-f3 Wh7-h5 Wf3-f6 Wh5-g5+ Kg8-f8 Wg5-g4 Wf6-f5+ Kc5-d6 Wf5-f6+ Kd6-e5 Wf6-h6)} 61. Rhf7 {[%emt 0:00:01] (Wh7-f7 We4-g4 Wf7-f5 Wg4-e4 Wc7-e7 We4-g4 Kd6-e6 Wg4-g6+ Ke6-e5 Wg6-h6 We7-c7 Wh6-g6 Wc7-f7 Wg6-g5 Ke5-e6 Wg5xf5 Wf7xf5 Kg8-g7 Wf5-f2 Kg7-h6 Wf2-g2 Kh6-h5 Ke6-e5 Gc6-e8 Wg2-g1 Ge8-c6 Wg1-g3 Kh5-h4 Ke5-f4 Kh4-h5 Wg3-g2 Kh5-h6 Kf4-f5 Gc6-b5 Kf5-f6 Kh6-h5 Wg2-g5+ Kh5-h4) +3.87/27} d4 {[%eval -358,28] [%emt 0:00:08] (d5-d4 Wf7-e7)} 62. Rfe7 { [%eval 424,29] [%emt 0:00:01] (Wf7-e7 We4-f4 Kd6-e5 Wf4-f2 Ke5xd4 Kg8-f8 We7-h7 Kf8-g8 Wh7-g7+ Kg8-f8 Kd4-c5 Wf2-f3 Wg7-h7 Kf8-g8 Wh7-e7 Kg8-f8 We7-g7 Wf3-f1 Wg7-h7 Kf8-g8 Wh7-h5 Wf1-f6 Kc5-d4 Wf6-d6+ Kd4-c4 Wd6-e6 Wh5-f5 We6-e2 Kc4-c5 We2-b2 Kc5-d6 Wb2-e2 Wc7-e7 We2-h2 Kd6-e6 Wh2-h6+ Ke6-e5 Wh6-h2 We7-f7 Wh2-h6 Wf7-f8+ Kg8-g7 Wf5-f7+ Kg7-g6)} Rf4 {[%eval -379,25] [%emt 0:00:01] (We4-f4 Kd6-e5 Wf4-f1 Ke5xd4 Kg8-f8 We7-h7 Kf8-g8 Kd4-c5 Wf1-f3 Wh7-h5 Wf3-f6 Kc5-d4 Wf6-d6+ Kd4-c4 Wd6-f6 Kc4-c5 Gc6-f3 Wh5-h3 Gf3-c6 Wh3-d3 Wf6-f7 Wd3-d8+ Kg8-g7 Wc7xf7+ Kg7xf7 Kc5-d6 Gc6-g2 Wd8-h8 Gg2-c6 Wh8-h4 Kf7-e8 Wh4-h7 Gc6-f3 Wh7-e7+ Ke8-f8 Kd6-d7 Gf3-c6+ Kd7-d8)} 63. Ke5 {[%eval 491,27] [%emt 0:00:04] (Kd6-e5 Wf4-f3 Ke5xd4 Kg8-f8 We7-h7 Kf8-g8 Wh7-g7+ Kg8-f8 Kd4-c5 Wf3-f1 Wg7-h7 Kf8-g8 Wh7-h5 Wf1-f6 Kc5-d4 Wf6-d6+ Kd4-c4 Wd6-g6 Wh5-f5 Wg6-e6 Kc4-c5 Gc6-h1 Wf5-g5+ Kg8-f8 Wg5-h5 We6-c6+ Wc7xc6 Gh1xc6 Kc5-d6 Kf8-e8 Wh5-h7 Gc6-f3 Wh7-h4 Gf3-g2 Wh4-h8+ Ke8-f7 Wh8-h7+ Kf7-e8)} Rf1 {[%emt 0:00:00] (Wf4-f1 Ke5xd4 Kg8-f8 We7-h7 Kf8-g8 Kd4-c5 Wf1-f3 Wh7-h5 Wf3-f6 Kc5-d4 Wf6-d6+ Kd4-c4 Wd6-f6 Kc4-c5 Gc6-f3 Wh5-h3 Gf3-c6 Wh3-d3 Wf6-f7 Wd3-d8+ Kg8-g7 Wc7xf7+ Kg7xf7 Kc5-d6 Gc6-g2 Wd8-h8 Gg2-c6 Wh8-h4 Kf7-e8 Wh4-h5 Gc6-g2 Wh5-h7 Gg2-c6 Wh7-e7+ Ke8-f8 Kd6-e6) -3.81/24} 64. Kxd4 {[%eval 576,25] [%emt 0:00:03] (Ke5xd4 Kg8-f8 We7-h7 Kf8-g8 Kd4-c5 Wf1-f4 Wh7-h5 Wf4-f6 Kc5-d4 Wf6-d6+ Kd4-c4 Wd6-e6 Wh5-f5 We6-e3 Wf5-g5+ Kg8-f8 Wg5-h5 Kf8-g8 Kc4-c5 We3-b3 Kc5-d6 Wb3-c3 Wh5-f5 Wc3-c4 Kd6-e5)} Kf8 {[%eval -412,25] [%emt 0:00:03] (Kg8-f8 Kd4-c5 Wf1-f6 We7-h7 Kf8-g8 Wh7-h5 Gc6-f3 Wh5-h3 Gf3-c6 Wh3-d3 Wf6-f7 Wd3-d8+ Kg8-g7 Wc7xf7+ Kg7xf7 Kc5-d6 Gc6-h1 Wd8-h8 Gh1-c6 Wh8-h6 Gc6-e4 Wh6-e6 Ge4-c6 We6-e1 Kf7-f8 We1-e7 Gc6-f3 Kd6-d7 Gf3-d5 Kd7-d8 Gd5-c6 We7-c7)} 65. Rh7 {[%emt 0:00:02] (We7-h7 Kf8-g8 Kd4-c5 Wf1-f3 Wh7-h5 Wf3-f6 Kc5-d4 Wf6-d6+ Kd4-c4 Wd6-e6 Wh5-f5 We6-e3 Wf5-g5+ Kg8-f8 Wg5-h5 Kf8-g8 Kc4-c5 We3-b3 Kc5-d6 Wb3-e3 Wh5-e5 We3-h3 We5-g5+ Kg8-h8 Wg5-f5 Wh3-h6+ Kd6-e5 Kh8-g8 Wc7-f7 Wh6-h2 Ke5-f6 Wh2-h6+ Kf6-g5 Wh6-h5+ Kg5xh5) +5.86/26} Kg8 {[%eval -440,25] [%emt 0:00:02] (Kf8-g8 Kd4-c5 Wf1-f3 Wh7-h5 Wf3-f6 Kc5-d4 Wf6-d6+ Kd4-c4 Wd6-f6 Kc4-c5 Gc6-f3 Wh5-h3 Gf3-c6 Wh3-d3 Wf6-f7 Wd3-d8+ Kg8-g7 Wc7xf7+ Kg7xf7 Kc5-d6 Gc6-h1 Wd8-h8 Gh1-f3 Wh8-h7+ Kf7-e8 Wh7-e7+ Ke8-f8 Kd6-d7 Gf3-c6+ Kd7-d8 Gc6-g2 We7-e2 Gg2-c6 We2-f2+ Kf8-g7)} 66. Kc5 {[%eval 586,29] [%emt 0:00:01] (Kd4-c5 Wf1-f3 Wh7-h5 Wf3-f6 Kc5-d4 Wf6-d6+ Kd4-c4 Wd6-e6 Wh5-f5 We6-e3 Wf5-g5+ Kg8-f8 Wg5-h5 Kf8-g8 Kc4-c5 We3-b3 Wh5-g5+ Kg8-f8 Kc5-d6 Wb3-e3 Wg5-f5+ Kf8-g8 Wf5-e5 We3-f3 Kd6-e6 Kg8-f8 We5-h5 Wf3-e3+ Ke6-f6 We3-f3+ Kf6-e5 Wf3-e3+ Ke5-d4 We3-e4+ Kd4-d3 We4-e7 Wh5-h8+ Kf8-g7 Wc7xe7+ Kg7xh8 Kd3-d4 Kh8-g8 Kd4-e5 Kg8-f8 We7-c7 Gc6-h1 Ke5-e6)} Ra1 {[%eval -548,23] [%emt 0:00:06] (Wf1-a1 Kc5-b6)} 67. Rcg7+ { [%emt 0:00:05] (Wc7-g7+ Kg8-f8 Kc5-b6 Wa1-b1+ Kb6-a7 Wb1-b5 Wg7-c7 Kf8-g8 Wh7-g7+ Kg8-f8 Wc7-f7+ Kf8-e8 Wg7-h7 Wb5-h5 Wf7xb7 Wh5xh7 Wb7xh7 Gc6-b5 Ka7-b7 Ke8-d8 Wh7-h4 Kd8-d7 Wh4-d4+ Kd7-e7 Kb7-b6 Gb5-f1 Wd4-d1 Gf1-c4 Wd1-c1 Gc4-b5 Wc1-b1 Gb5-d3 Wb1-e1+ Ke7-f6 We1-d1 Gd3-e2) +6.15/26} Kf8 {[%eval -599,22] [%emt 0:00:00] (Kg8-f8 Wg7-c7 Kf8-g8 Kc5-b6 Wa1-b1+ Kb6-a7 Wb1-b5 Wh7-g7+ Kg8-f8 Wc7-f7+ Kf8-e8 Wg7-h7 Wb5-h5 Wf7xb7 Wh5xh7 Wb7xh7 Gc6-b5 Ka7-b7 Ke8-d8 Wh7-h4 Gb5-f1 Wh4-d4+ Kd8-e7 Wd4-d1 Gf1-b5 Kb7-b6 Ke7-f7 Wd1-e1 Gb5-d3 Kb6-c5 Kf7-f8 We1-e3 Gd3-b5 We3-b3 Gb5-e2)} 68. Kb6 {[%emt 0:00:01] (Kc5-b6 Wa1-b1+ Kb6-a7 Wb1-f1 Wg7-c7 Kf8-g8 Wh7-h6 Wf1-a1 Wh6-d6 Kg8-f8 Wd6-d8+ Gc6-e8 Wd8-d5 Ge8-b5 Wd5-f5+ Kf8-g8 Ka7-b6 Wa1-b1 Wf5-g5+ Kg8-f8 Kb6xb7 Gb5-e2+ Kb7-a7 Wb1-a1 Wc7-b7 Wa1-a2 Wg5-f5+ Kf8-e8 Wf5-e5+ Ke8-f8) +7.78/22} Rb1+ {[%eval -743,21] [%emt 0:00:02] (Wa1-b1+ Kb6-a7 Wb1-b5 Wg7-c7 Kf8-g8 Wh7-g7+ Kg8-f8 Wc7-f7+ Kf8-e8 Wg7-h7 Wb5-h5 Wf7xb7 Wh5xh7 Wb7xh7 Gc6-b5 Ka7-b7 Ke8-d8 Wh7-h4 Kd8-d7 Wh4-d4+ Kd7-e7 Kb7-c7 Ke7-e6 Wd4-d1 Gb5-c4 Kc7-b6 Gc4-b5 Wd1-b1 Gb5-c4 Kb6-c5 Gc4-d3 Wb1-b6+ Ke6-e7 Wb6-b3 Gd3-f1 Wb3-b1 Gf1-d3)} 69. Ka7 {[%eval 946, 24] [%emt 0:00:02] (Kb6-a7 Wb1-b5 Wg7-c7 Kf8-g8 Wh7-g7+ Kg8-f8 Wc7-f7+ Kf8-e8 Wg7-h7 Wb5-h5 Wf7xb7 Wh5xh7 Wb7xh7 Gc6-b5 Ka7-b7 Ke8-d8 Wh7-h4 Gb5-f1 Wh4-d4+ Kd8-e7 Kb7-b6 Ke7-e6 Wd4-d1 Gf1-c4 Wd1-c1 Gc4-b5 Wc1-b1 Gb5-d3 Wb1-e1+ Ke6-f6 Kb6-c5 Kf6-g7 We1-e7+ Kg7-g8 We7-a7 Kg8-f8 Kc5-b6 Kf8-e8 Wa7xa6)} Rf1 {[%eval -906,22] [%emt 0:00:05] (Wb1-f1 Wg7-c7)} 70. Rc7 {[%eval 1002,25] [%emt 0:00: 02] (Wg7-c7 Kf8-g8 Wh7-h6 Wf1-f5 Wh6xc6 b7xc6 Ka7xa6 Wf5-c5 Wc7-b7 Kg8-f8 Wb7-b4 Kf8-e7 Ka6-b6 Wc5-c1 a5-a6 Wc1-a1 Kb6-b7 Ke7-d6 Wb4-b6 Kd6-c5 Wb6xc6+ Kc5-d5 Wc6-b6 Kd5-d4 a6-a7 Wa1xa7+ Kb7xa7 Kd4-c5 Ka7-b7 Kc5-c4 Wb6-c6+ Kc4-b3 Wc6-c8 Kb3-a3 Kb7-c6 Ka3-b4 Wc8-b8+ Kb4-c4)} Kg8 {[%emt 0:00:00] (Kf8-g8 Wh7-h6 Wf1-f5 Wh6-d6 Gc6-e8 Wd6-d8 Kg8-f8 Wc7-c8 Wf5-e5 Ka7xb7 We5xa5 Wd8xe8+ Kf8-f7) -6.79/19} 71. Rh6 {[%eval 1002,30] [%emt 0:00:03] (Wh7-h6 Wf1-a1 Wh6-d6 Kg8-f8 Wd6-d8+ Gc6-e8 Wd8-d5 Ge8-b5 Wd5-f5+ Kf8-g8 Ka7-b6 Gb5-c6 Wc7xb7 Gc6xb7 Kb6xb7 Kg8-g7 Kb7xa6 Kg7-g6 Wf5-c5 Wa1-b1 Wc5-b5 Wb1-f1 Ka6-a7 Wf1-f7+ Wb5-b7 Wf7-f8 a5-a6 Kg6-f5 Wb7-b4 Kf5-e5 Ka7-b7 Ke5-d5 a6-a7 Kd5-c5 Wb4-b6 Wf8-f7+ Kb7-a6 Wf7-f8 Wb6-b8 Wf8-f6+ Ka6-a5 Wf6-f1 Wb8-b5+ Kc5-d6 Ka5-b6 Wf1-f8 Kb6-a6 Wf8-f1 a7-a8H Wf1-a1+ Wb5-a5)} Rf5 {[%eval -943,24] [%emt 0:00: 02] (Wf1-f5 Wh6xc6 b7xc6 Ka7xa6 Wf5-c5 Wc7-b7 Kg8-f8 Wb7-b4 Kf8-e7 Ka6-b6 Wc5-c2 a5-a6 Ke7-d6 a6-a7 Wc2-a2 Kb6-b7 Kd6-d5 Wb4-b6 Wa2xa7+ Kb7xa7 c6-c5 Ka7-a6 Kd5-c4 Ka6-a5 Kc4-c3 Wb6-c6 c5-c4 Ka5-b5 Kc3-d3 Wc6xc4 Kd3-e2 Wc4-c8 Ke2-d3 Kb5-a6 Kd3-d2 Ka6-b6 Kd2-e2 Kb6-a7 Ke2-e3)} 72. Rhxc6 {[%eval 1007,29] [%emt 0:00:03] (Wh6xc6 b7xc6 Ka7xa6 Wf5-c5 Wc7-b7 Kg8-f8 Wb7-b4 Wc5-e5 Ka6-b6 c6-c5 Wb4-a4 Kf8-e7 a5-a6 Ke7-d6 a6-a7 We5-e8 a7-a8H We8xa8 Wa4xa8 Kd6-d5 Kb6-b5 c5-c4 Kb5-b4 Kd5-e4 Wa8-a3 Ke4-d4 Wa3-g3 Kd4-d5 Kb4-c3 Kd5-c5 Wg3-g6 Kc5-d5 Wg6-g4 Kd5-e6 Wg4-g5 Ke6-d7 Wg5-a5 Kd7-e6 Wa5-a8 Ke6-d5 Wa8-e8)} bxc6 { [%eval -942,26] [%emt 0:00:01] (b7xc6 Ka7xa6 Wf5-c5 Wc7-b7 Kg8-f8 Wb7-b4 Kf8-e7 Ka6-b6 Wc5-c1 a5-a6 Ke7-d6 Wb4-d4+ Kd6-e5 Wd4-a4 Wc1-b1+ Kb6xc6 Wb1-c1+ Kc6-b5 Wc1-f1 a6-a7 Wf1-f8 a7-a8H Wf8xa8 Wa4xa8 Ke5-e4 Wa8-c8 Ke4-f3 Kb5-a6 Kf3-f4 Wc8-d8 Kf4-e4 Ka6-a7 Ke4-f3 Wd8-e8 Kf3-f2 Ka7-b7 Kf2-g3)} 73. Kxa6 { [%eval 1013,34] [%emt 0:00:02] (Ka7xa6 Wf5-c5 Wc7-b7 Kg8-f8 Wb7-b4 Wc5-h5 Ka6-b6 c6-c5 Wb4-e4 Wh5-h6+ Kb6xc5 Kf8-f7 Kc5-b5 Wh6-h5+ Kb5-b6 Wh5-h6+ Kb6-b7 Wh6-h7 a5-a6 Kf7-f6+ Kb7-b6 Kf6-f5 We4-a4 Wh7-f7 Wa4-c4 Kf5-e5 a6-a7 Wf7-f8 Kb6-b7 Ke5-d5 Wc4-c8 Wf8-f7+ Kb7-a6 Wf7xa7+ Ka6xa7)} Rc5 {adjudication (Wf5-c5 Wc7-b7 Kg8-f8 Wb7-b4 Kf8-e7 Ka6-b6 Wc5-c3 a5-a6 Ke7-d7 a6-a7 Wc3-a3 Kb6-b7 Kd7-d6 Wb4-b6 Wa3xa7+ Kb7xa7 Kd6-d5 Ka7-a6 Kd5-c5 Ka6-a5 Kc5-d4 Wb6xc6 Kd4-e3 Ka5-b4 Ke3-d2 Wc6-c4 Kd2-d3 Wc4-c8 Kd3-e3 Wc8-f8 Ke3-d3 Kb4-b5 Kd3-e4 Kb5-a6 Ke4-d5) -9.43/27 1 Od=/+ożenie Areny} 1-0
