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Marvin 6.0.0 wins 3 League CEDR edition 05, 2022.06.17-21

๐Ÿฅ‡ Marvin 6.0.0, ๐Ÿฅˆ Zahak 10.0, ๐Ÿฅ‰ Stash 33.0  

Promoted to 2 League: Marvin 6.0.0 and Zahak 10.0 
Relegation to 4 League: Fizbo 2 and Vajolet2 2.8.0

 ๐Ÿ•’๐Ÿ•“ 3'+3" ๐Ÿ’ป HP ENVY i5-8250U 8GB RAM ๐Ÿ—” GUI-Fritz 17 Table: Scid vs PC 

๐Ÿ’พ 480 tournament games 

๐Ÿ’พ All games CEDR 26.266 games (15'+10") and 32.342 games (3'+3") 

League – TOP 64
1 League Edition 05 – temp 3’+3” Rating Score note
1. SugaR Al 2.50 3483 41.0 / 60
2. Fisherov chess monk 1.1 3524 39.5 / 60
3. Stockfish 15 3507 38.0 / 60
4. Raubfisch X48e 3502 37.5 / 60
5. Lc0 0.29.0-rc0 3485 37.5 / 60
6. Dragon 2.6.1 3476 36.5 / 60
7. Berserk 9.0 dev3 3352 33.5 / 60
8. Koivisto 8.9 3380 32.0 / 60
9. Slowchess 2.83 3328 31.5 / 60
10. Fire 8 NN.MC3 3218 28.5 / 60
11. Arasan 23.3 NNUE 3274 24.0 / 60
12. Seer 2.5.0 3357 23.0 / 60
13. Minic 3.22 3219 21.0 / 60
14. Pedone 3.1 3267 20.5 / 60
15. Igel 3.1.0 3266 20.0 / 60 relegate
16. Ethereal 12.75 NNUE 3304 16.0 / 60 relegate

2 League Edition 05 – temp 3’+3” Rating Score note
1. Rofchade 3.0 3325 42.0 / 60 promote
2. RubiChess 20220223 3279 40.0 / 60 promote
3. Nemorino 6.00 2981 38.0 / 60
4. Komodo 13.02 3192 37.5 / 60
5. Tucano 10 NNUE 2769 33.5 / 60
6. Booot 6.5 3187 32.5 / 60
7. Wasp 5.50 3176 31.5 / 60
8. Defenchess 2.3 3126 30.0 / 60
9. Fritz 17 3150 28.5 / 60
10. Clover 3.1 NNUE 3141 26.5 / 60
11. Laser 1.7 3142 25.0 / 60
12. Schooner 2.2 3091 24.0 / 60
13. Xiphos 0.6.1 3194 23.5 / 60
14. Gogobello 3.0 2839 22.0 / 60
15. Roc TCEC 19 3080 19.0 / 60 relegate
16. Toga IV 2971 18.5 / 60 relegate

3 League Edition 05 – temp 3’+3” Rating Score note
1. Marvin 6.0.0 2914 45.0 / 60
2. Zahak 10.0 3271 39.5 / 60
3. Stash 33 3071 37.0 / 60
4. GreKo 2021.08 NNUE 3125 36.5 / 60
5. Velvet 3.3.0 3161 35.5 / 60
6. Tornado NNUE 2631 33.0 / 60
7. Weiss 2.0 2720 32.5 / 60
8. Andscacs 0.95 3145 32.0 / 60
9. Danasah 9.00 NNUE 2502 26.5 / 60
10. Winter 0.9 2902 26.0 / 60
11. MrBob 1.1.0 3003 25.5 / 60
12. Ice4 853 2948 25.0 / 60
13. Orion 0.9 2908 24.5 / 60
14. Counter 4.1 2888 23.0 / 60
15. Fizbo 2 2994 21.0 / 60
16. Vajolet2 2.8 2922 17.5 / 60

4 League Edition 05 – temp 3’+3” Rating Score note
1. Nirvanachess 2.5 2991

2. Demolito 2021-10-21 3021

3. Beef 0.3.6 2915

4. Amoeba 3.4 2841

5. Combusken 2.0 3096

6. Fabchess 1.16 2902

7. Monolith 2 2914

8. Invictus r382 2776

9. Tomcat 1.0 2811

10. Topple 0.8.1 2819

11. Cheng4 0.41 2847

12. BBC 1.4 2301

13. Deuterium 2019.2.37.73 2911

14. Francesca 0.31a 2876

15. Coiled 1.1 3179

16. Godel 7.0 2846
