Lumac0 - UCI chess engine
General Information
Lumac0 is a chess engine written from scratch in C++ by dbenson42
It is also avalaible on [Lichess](, and it's rated around 1850 points. The engine is under continous improvement, and still needs a lot of optimizations.
## How to compile Lumac0 doesn't require any third party library, all you need in order to compile it is a c++ compiler, preferably g++.
Lumac0 is a traditional chess engine without any kind of NN-related code.
- Alpha-Beta negamax search
- Transposition tables using zobrist hashing
- Quiscence search
- Iterative deepening
- Gradually widening aspiration windows
Pruning and Reductions/Extensions
- Late move reductions
- Static null move pruning
- Null move pruning
- Futility pruning
- Razoring
- Check extensions
Move ordering
- Q-search only has MVV-LVA
- Hash move first
- Countermove Heuristic
- History Heuristic
- Killer Moves
- Piece-square tables
- Passed, doubled, isolated pawns
How to use
The engine uses the UCI interface.
It has the following options (excluding almost useless ones):
- Threads: Number of threads used by the engine, minimum (and suggested) value is 2: 1 for the search and 1 for the input checking.
- Hash: How many Megabytes of RAM the engine is allowed to use for the TT.
- Ponder: Whether pondering is activated or not. (Pondering = thinking during the opponent's time).
Lumac0 is a chess engine written from scratch in C++ by dbenson42
It is also avalaible on [Lichess](, and it's rated around 1850 points. The engine is under continous improvement, and still needs a lot of optimizations.
## How to compile Lumac0 doesn't require any third party library, all you need in order to compile it is a c++ compiler, preferably g++.
Lumac0 is a traditional chess engine without any kind of NN-related code.
- Alpha-Beta negamax search
- Transposition tables using zobrist hashing
- Quiscence search
- Iterative deepening
- Gradually widening aspiration windows
Pruning and Reductions/Extensions
- Late move reductions
- Static null move pruning
- Null move pruning
- Futility pruning
- Razoring
- Check extensions
Move ordering
- Q-search only has MVV-LVA
- Hash move first
- Countermove Heuristic
- History Heuristic
- Killer Moves
- Piece-square tables
- Passed, doubled, isolated pawns
How to use
The engine uses the UCI interface.
It has the following options (excluding almost useless ones):
- Threads: Number of threads used by the engine, minimum (and suggested) value is 2: 1 for the search and 1 for the input checking.
- Hash: How many Megabytes of RAM the engine is allowed to use for the TT.
- Ponder: Whether pondering is activated or not. (Pondering = thinking during the opponent's time).
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