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Chess engine: Black Core 1.1

BlackCore is a UCI compatible c++ chess engine written from scratch, capable of completing high performance tasks.
Its alpha beta search uses various pruning techniques, powered by a handcrafted evaluation function and a blazing fast move generator.

Thanks to the StockFish team for making such a wonderful and an easy-to-read codebase, that inspired me to get into chess programming in the first place.

Smallbrain is a great chess engine which helped me understand many important concepts, and thanks to Disservin for giving me many great ideas how can I further improve my engine.

Small improvements
Fixed memory handling issues
TT in Qsearch
Small TT speed-ups
Better move ordering
Using log formula for LMR
Built-in texel tuning (values are still untuned)
Piece-square tables
Fixed a1a1 invalid move
More advanced king safety
Improved time management
Aspiration window

