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Chess Engine: Infrared 2.0.2

Infrared - a UCI-compatible open source chess engine. 
Written in Rust by Shaun Beautement. 

Playing Strength, TBD (maybe ~2400 ELO on CCRL?)


1. Install a Chess GUI such as [Cute Chess]( (Windows installer can be downloaded [here](

2. Download and unzip the appropriate version for your operating system under [Releases](

3. Configure the engine (for Cute Chess, navigate to Tools -> Settings -> Engines (tab) -> + -> locate engine executable).

4. Play against it! (for Cute Chess, Game -> New -> set a player to CPU -> select your configuration for Infrared 2).


Builds are available for Linux and Windows 64-bit under [Releases](, but other targets should be easily compiled for by downloading the source, setting up a rust toolchain for your machine and invoking `cargo build --release`, and optionally including the `openings.dat` file alongside the executable.

The engine is by default configured to:
- Use its own book (polyglot-like format)
- Query online 7-man Syzygy tables
- Run as parallel as there are available hardware threads (up to 16)
- Employ 256MiB of memory for its hash table

These can all be configured/disabled via UCI configuration (or deleting the opening book).

