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Expositor 2BR17 wins League CEDR Prelims Group E2 edition 07 ( 2022.10.20-23)

๐Ÿฅ‡ Expositor 2BR17 ๐Ÿฅˆ Halogen 11๐Ÿฅ‰ Topple 0.8.1

Promote to 4 League: Expositor 2BR17, Halogen 11. 
๐Ÿ•’๐Ÿ•“ 3'+3" ๐Ÿ’ป HP Pavilion i5-1035G1 8GB RAM  ๐Ÿ–ฌ GUI-Arena
Best progress: Colossus 2022a +49

๐Ÿ’พ All games CEDR 26.266 games (15'+10") and 54.925 games (3'+3") 


Prelims: new and amateur engines

Group E1 Edition 07 – temp 3’+3” Rating Score note
1 Cheng4 0.41 2826 27.0 / 29 promotion
2 Tomcat 1.0 2851 25.5 / 29 promotion
3 Francesca 0.32 2832 23.5 / 29
4 Monolith 2 2909 23.5 / 29
5 Nalwald 16 2913 23.5 / 29
6 NiCim 3.4.1 2864 21.5 / 29
7 ECE 20.1 2585 21.0 / 29
8 Rodent NNUE 2745 21.0 / 29
9 Ruydos 1.1.11 2606 20.5 / 29
10 MadChess 3.1 2608 20.5 / 29
11 Benjamin 1.1 2654 19.5 / 29
12 Leorik 2.2 2625 19.5 / 29
13. Protej 0.6.3 2701 19.0 / 29
14. KnightX 3.5 2773 18.0 / 29
15. Tantabus 2.0.0 2520 16.5 / 29
16. Minimalchess 0.6 2414 14.5 / 29
17. Betsabe II 1.96 2401 13.5 / 29
18. Galjoen 0.41.2 2377 13.5 / 29
19. Isa 2.0.83 2315 10.5 / 29
20. Cinnamon 2.5 2307 10.0 / 29
21 Horowitz 2.2.0 2316 10.0 / 29
22 NoC 4.20 2454 9.0 / 29
23 Badchess 0.4.4 2012 7.5 / 29
24 seeChess 1.2 2146 7.5 / 29
25 Baislicka dev ac327fd 2113 6.0 / 29
26 Claudia 0.51 1998 3.5 / 29
27 ChessMatrix 1.0.6 2029 3.5 / 29
28 Rustic-alpha 3 2072 3.5 / 29
29 Walleye 1.6.0 1965 2.5 / 29
30 Captain 1.0 2400 0.0 / 29
E2 Edition 07 – temp 3’+3” Rating Score note
1 Expositor BR17 3016 28.5 / 29 promotion
2 Halogen 11 3246 26.5 / 29 promotion
3 Topple 0.8.1 2798 26.5 / 29
4 Amoeba 3.4 2920 25.0 / 29
5. BBC 1.4 2883 23.0 / 29
6. Cheese 3.0.1 2720 21.5 / 29
7. Weiawaga 5.0 2732 20.5 / 29
8. Godel 7.0 2821 20.5 / 29
9. Colossus 2022a 2524 20.0 / 29
10. Inanis 1.1.1 2607 18.5 / 29
11. Olithink 5.10.1 2726 17.0 / 29
12. Delocto 0.61n 2617 17.0 / 29
13. Caligula 1.0b 2594 16.5 / 29
14. K2 0.99 2523 16.5 / 29
15. Novice 3.1 2528 16.0 / 29
16. Fridolin 3.1 2514 14.5 / 29
17. CT800 1.44 2476 14.5 / 29
18. Admete 1.5.0 2387 12.5 / 29
19. Paulchen 332 0.1.1 2470 11.5 / 29
20. Waxman 2020 2404 11.5 / 29
21 Raven 1.20 2422 10.0 / 29
22 Jinx 1.0 2133 9.0 / 29
23 Hopper Engine 1.7 2272 9.0 / 29
24 GOOB 1.0.0 2279 6.5 / 29
25 Xoron b196 2160 5.5 / 29
26 Ceechess 1.4 2174 5.5 / 29
27 Fatalii 0.3.1 1983 5.0 / 29
28 Princhess 0.7.0 2046 4.0 / 29
29 Lynx 0.12.0 1614 1.5 / 29
30 Moinsen 0.0.6 2400 1.0 / 29
