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Marvin 6.1.0 wins 3 League CEDR edition 07 (2022.10.10 - 2022.10.12)


๐Ÿฅ‡ Marvin 6.1.0 ๐ŸฅˆWeiss 2.1-dev๐Ÿฅ‰ Velvet 4.1.0

Promote to 2 League: Marvin 6.1.0, Weiss 2.1-dev
Relegation to 4 League: Deep iCE 4.0.853, GreKo 2021.12
๐Ÿ•’๐Ÿ•“ 3'+3" ๐Ÿ’ป HP Pavilion i5-1035G1 8GB RAM  ๐Ÿ–ฌ GUI-Fritz 17  
Best progress: Invictus r382 +72
๐Ÿ’พ 240 games from the tournament download

 ๐Ÿ’พ All games CEDR 26.266 games (15'+10") and 54.925 games (3'+3") 


CEDR League – TOP 64
1 League Edition 07 – temp 3’+3” Rating Score note
1. SugaR Al 2.50 3528 21.0 / 30
2. Stockfish 031022 3566 21.0 / 30
3. Fisherov chess monk 1.2 3557 19.5 / 30
4. Raubfisch X48e 3519 19.5 / 30
5. Dragon 2.6.1 3537 18.0 / 30
6. Lc0 0.30.0-dev+git.6d9bd9d 3498 17.0 / 30
7. Berserk 10 3433 16.0 / 30
8. Koivisto 8.16 3425 16.0 / 30
9. Minic 3.30 3316 14.5 / 30
10. Seer 2.5.0 3333 13.0 / 30
11. RubiChess 20220813 3346 12.5 / 30
12. Arasan 23.4 3309 12.0 / 30
13. Ethereal 12.88 3322 11.0 / 30
14. Slowchess 2.9 3374 11.0 / 30
15. Rofchade 3.0 3331 9.5 / 30 relegation
16. Booot 7.0 3251 8.5 / 30 relegation

2 League Edition 07 – temp 3’+3” Rating Score note
1. Pedone 3.1 2989 21.0 / 30 promotion
2. Igel 3.1.0 3272 20.0 / 30 promotion
3. Fire NN 1072022 2883 19.0 / 30
4. Tucano 10 NNUE 3222 19.0 / 30
5. Komodo 13.02 3229 19.0 / 30
6. Nemorino 6.00 3266 16.5 / 30
7. Wasp 6.0 3254 16.0 / 30
8. Xiphos 0.6.1 3166 12.5 / 30
9. Toga IV 3044 12.5 / 30
10. Clover 3.1 NNUE 3180 12.0 / 30
11. Roc 1.9.1 3084 12.0 / 30
12. Fritz 17 3150 11.5 / 30
13. Gogobello 3.0 3082 11.5 / 30
14. Zahak 10.0 3147 11.0 / 30
15. Defenchess 2.3 3127 10.5 / 30 relegation
16. Schooner 2.2 3097 10.0 / 30 relegation

3 League Edition 07 – temp 3’+3” Rating Score note
1. Marvin 6.1.0 3130 23.0 / 30 promotion
2. Weiss 2.1 dev 3222 20.5 / 30 promotion
3. Velvet 4.1.0 3198 20.0 / 30
4. Mantissa 3.7.2 NNUE 2965 19.0 / 30
5. Stash 33 3093 17.5 / 30
6. Laser 1.7 3133 17.0 / 30
7. Tornado NNUE 3072 16.0 / 30
8. Orion 0.9 2969 15.0 / 30
9. Counter 4.1 2975 15.0 / 30
10. Winter 0.9 2987 14.5 / 30
11. Andscacs 0.95 3095 14.5 / 30
12. Danasah 9.00 NNUE 3021 14.0 / 30
13. Invictus r382 2776 13.0 / 30
14. MrBob 1.1.0 2968 9.0 / 30
15. Ice4 853 2958 7.5 / 30 relegation
16. GreKo 2021.12 3098 4.5 / 30 relegation

4 League Edition 07 – temp 3’+3” Rating Score note
1. Coiled 1.1 3222

2. Combusken 2.0 3078

3. Devre 4.0 2877

4. Beef 0.3.6 2915

5. Demolito 2021-10-21 3021

6. Nirvanachess 2.5 2991

7. Fabchess 1.16 2902

8. Vajolet2 2.8 2922

9. Fizbo 2 2994

10. Deuterium 2019.2.37.73 2911

11. Gargantua 1.0 NNUE 2960

12. Frozenight 5.1.0 2890

13. Hiarcs 15 3234

14. Caissa 1.1 3223

15. Stocknemo 2896

16. Little Goliath 3.15.4 3037
