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ShashChess 25.2 wins Arena CEDR Tournament (Chess Engines Diary, 2022.10.29-31)

๐Ÿ•’๐Ÿ•“ 3'+3" ๐Ÿ’ป Lenovo Z710 i7-4710MG 8GB RAM  ๐Ÿ–ฌ GUI-Arena  

๐Ÿ’พ All games CEDR 26.266 games (15'+10") and 54.925 games (3'+3") 
๐Ÿ’พ 156 games from the tournament download


EngineCEDR Score ShCoBlKoBrBeKoSeCaFiPrQuCaChg
1: ShashChess 25.2 3564 17.5 / 24 XX=========11===1=11111111-2
2: Corchess 24-10-2022 3551 17.5 / 24 ==XX=========11=11=1111111+0
3: Blue Marlin 15.4 3540 17.0 / 24 ====XX=======1=1=1=1111111-2
4: Kookaburra 1.01 3500 17.0 / 24 ======XX======111==1111111+5
5: BrainLearn19.1 3533 16.5 / 24 ========XX======11=1111111-7
6: Berserk 10 3433 16.5 / 24 =0========XX===1=111111111+19
7: Koivisto 8.16 3425 14.0 / 24 0==0=0======XX====1=111111-7
8: Seer 2.6 3333 13.5 / 24 ==0==000===0==XX=1=1111111+17
9: Caissa 1.2 3156 11.0 / 24 0=00=00=00=0===0XX1=111111+36
10: Fire NN 1072022 3399 9.5 / 24 00=0=0=0=0000==00=XX111111-43
11: Prophet 4.3 2370 4.0 / 24 00000000000000000000XX1111+5
12: QuintBot 1.0.0 2400 2.0 / 24 0000000000000000000000XX11-17
13: Captain 2.0 2400 0.0 / 24 000000000000000000000000XX-36
