Tofiks - UCI chess engine
It's been almost a year since I started my hobby of chess programming and this is a big milestone. By no means is my engine complete but for the first time I feel everything is in place and nothing major is broken that it can be released as a working version.
Latest stable version 64-bit binaries can be found in the release section.
Compile yourself
Clone repository or copy files
Make sure you have Golang 1.19+ installed
make build will compile it your native architecture.
In the Makefile you can change the GOAMD64VERSION variable. The values range from v1 to v4 and include various sets of extended instruction sets. A higher v-value should be expected to have better performance but might have more specific architecture and instruction set extension requirements. Most modern CPUs should be AMX2 compatible which is v3, v4 requires AMX512 support.
Feature Overview
Magic Bitboard move generator
MVV-LVA move ordering
Principal Variation Search
Null move pruning
Transposition table
Quiescence search
Draw detection - repetition, 50-move rule and insufficient material
Piece-Square-Table evaluation for early game and endgame.
Pawn structure evaluation
King safety-activity evaluation
Piece specific evaluation
PolyGlot opening book support
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