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Stockfish dev-20221221-c6208861 wins Banksia New Engines Tournament (CEDR, 2022.12.22-23)


πŸ•“ 3'+3" πŸ’»HP ENVY i5-8250U 8GB RAM πŸ–¬ GUI-Banksia


Engine Score St Ch Pr Co Su St Ge Mi Re
1: Stockfish dev-20221221-c6208861 9.5 / 16 XX == == == == == == =1 11
2: Charisma 9.0 / 16 == XX == == == == == 1= 1=
3: ProteusSF-Piranha 220904 9.0 / 16 == == XX == == == == 1= 1=
4: CorChess dev-20221220-ba5c0801 9.0 / 16 == == == XX == == == =1 1=
5: SugaR AI 2.50 9.0 / 16 == == == == XX == == 1= =1
6: Stockfish dev-20221220-20b02264 Ivec 8.5 / 16 == == == == == XX == == =1
7: Genko 1.0a 8.5 / 16 == == == == == == XX == =1
8: Minic 3.32 5.5 / 16 =0 0= 0= =0 0= == == XX ==
9: Rebel 16 4.0 / 16 00 0= 0= 0= =0 =0 =0 == XX
