Zagreus is a work in progress UCI Chess Engine. You can play against Zagreus on Lichess: You will also be able to find it's elo rating on there. At the time of writing this is around ~1800 rapid.
Zagreus is a constantly changing engine with hopefully an increase in elo every update.
Reworked the search algorithm. Null Move Pruning isn't working properly yet, so I removed it for now. A lot of bugs were fixed in this search rework, so I found this update worth releasing anyway.
Fixed an issue with UCI options not properly reporting a max value
Changed the way Zagreus evaluates material balance
Fixed an issue where endgame mobility was calculated in the midgame and vice-versa
Bonus for pushing pawns towards promotion in the endgame (#2)
Slight tweaks to mobility evaluation values (#3)
Remove development score (#4)
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