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Chess engine: CFish NN 230214

CFish - UCI chess engine, Rating CEDR=3690

"CFish, a port of Stockfish written in plain C by Ronald de Man, first published on GitHub in July 2016. Possibly inspired by the asmFish project to speed up Stockfish using a programming language closer to the machine, the purpose of CFish is to explore possible optimization issues of C versus C++ compilers" [Chess Programming Wiki].

CfishNN 20230626 - results:
Lynx 0.15.012/12+1212 Games
Akimbo 0.5.012/12+1212 Games
Arasan 24.08.5/12+512 Games
Demolito 2023-08-039/10+810 Games
Peacekeeper 1.708/8+88 Games
Redtail 0.1.08/8+88 Games
Critter 1.6a7.5/8+78 Games
Nalwald 187/8+68 Games
SF-Pro 15.08.20234/8+08 Games
Stockfish 202308133.5/8-18 Games
Tofiks 1.1.06/6+66 Games
Pingu 202308136/6+66 Games
StockDory Starfish 0.15.5/6+56 Games
Fisherov chess monk 1.23/6+06 Games
CatroPOLY 3.3GCC 202308033/6+06 Games
Deep Blue 202306283/6+06 Games
CorChess 150823Dimension 20483/6+06 Games
CorChess 202308143/6+06 Games
Raid 2.733/6+06 Games
Berserk 202308183/6+06 Games
Stockfish 162.5/6-16 Games

CFish NN 230214 - download

Edit on: 25.01.2025.
Since the old links have long expired, all versions of the Cfish engine that we have (111 files) have been packed into one file today and are available for download. 

If the link has expired, write to us at the email address:
