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Devre 4.0 wins 4 League CEDR edition 02/2023 (Chess Engines Diary, 2023.02.06 - 08)

Devre 4.0  ๐ŸฅˆSmallbrain 7   ๐Ÿฅ‰GreKo 2021.08 NNUE

Promotion to the 3 league: Devre 4.0, Smallbrain 7.
Relegation to Prelims: Expositor 2BR17, Viridithas 7.0.0. 

๐Ÿ•“ Time 3'+3" ๐Ÿ’ปDell G15 SE, i7-11800H RAM 16,0 GB ๐Ÿ–ฌ GUI-Aquarium

๐Ÿ’พ All CEDR games 99.049 games download (3'+3") 

#Players 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111213141516ScoSB
1Devre 4.0
= 1= 10 =1 =1 11 1= 11 == 11 11 11 11 11 11 125.5345.0
2Smallbrain 7= 0
1 =1 =1 == =1 =1 =1 1= 11 11 =1 1= 11 11 123.5314.5
3GreKo 2021.08 NNUE= 00 =
1 0= == 11 11 01 == == 11 1= 1= 11 11 120.5263.8
4Nirvanachess 2.51 =0 =0 1
1 11 =0 0= 0= =0 =1 == =1 11 11 11 119.0242.8
5RukChess 3.0.15 NNUE20 =0 == =0 0
= =1 01 1= 0= 11 01 1= 01 11 11 117.5212.3
6Winter 2.00 0= == 00 == =
= == 01 == 11 10 =1 =1 11 11 117.5207.5
7Alexandria 3.1.00 00 =0 01 10 1= =
1 00 0= =1 11 01 11 11 11 117.5202.3
8Demolito 2021-10-21= 00 =0 1= 10 0= 10 1
0 01 11 == 0= 11 1= 11 117.0211.3
9StockNemo =0 00 == == 10 =1 11 1
= =0 == == == 11 11 117.0210.5
10Little Goliath 3.16= 0= 0= =1 == 0= 0= =0 0= =
1 01 10 10 11 11 115.5193.5
11Sting Black Hole 40 00 0= 00 =0 10 00 00 =1 =0 1
= 11 11 11 11 114.5149.8
12Mittens 0.90 00 =0 0= =0 01 =0 1= 1= =0 0= 0
= =1 11 11 114.0154.3
13Nalwald 160 00 0= 00 0= 10 =0 0= 0= =1 00 0= =
1 11 11 112.0118.3
14Orion 0.90 0= 0= 00 00 00 00 00 0= 01 00 00 00 0
0 01 14.548.0
15Expositor 2BR170 00 00 00 00 00 00 0= 00 00 00 00 00 01 1
0 13.518.5
16Viridithas 7.0.00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 0

Chess engines: Devre 4.0 tournament winner.
Author: ร–mer Faruk Tutkun  Rating CEDR=3277

Devre 4.0 more and download from page.
