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Nebula-vortex 1.0 wins Attack of the Clones CEDR (Chess Engines Diary, 2023.02.16-18)

 Attack of the Clones CEDR (Chess Engines Diary, 2023.02.16-18)

๐Ÿ’พ 126 games from the tournament download 

๐Ÿ•“ Time 3'+3" ๐Ÿ’ปDell G15 SE, i7-11800H RAM 16,0 GB ๐Ÿ–ฌ GUI-Arena
๐Ÿ’พ All CEDR games 99.049 games download (3'+3") 

Engine CEDR Score
1: Nebula-vortex 1.0 3716 5.5 / 9
2: Polyfish 230202 3722 5.5 / 9
3: Kookaburra 1.03a 3728 5.0 / 9
4: SugaR AI 2.50 3694 5.0 / 9
5: Patzer AI 020223 3700 5.0 / 9
6: Cool Iris 5.2 3708 5.0 / 9
7: Dark Sister 1.9a 3726 5.0 / 9
8: Fisherov chess monk 1.2 3715 5.0 / 9
9: Fat Titz 2 130122 3725 5.0 / 9
10: Bluefish nnue 180921 3458 5.0 / 9
11: Brainlearn 21.1 3728 5.0 / 9
12: Swordfish 15.3a 3711 5.0 / 9
13: Eman 8.70 3710 4.5 / 9
14: ShashChess 27.2 3722 4.5 / 9
15: Blue Marlin 15.6 3704 4.5 / 9
16: YuliGM PrO 4.0 3695 4.5 / 9
17: Fat Fritz 2 3710 4.5 / 9
18: AI 27.0 3707 4.5 / 9
19: CorChess dev-20230210 3742 4.5 / 9
20: Flaming Titz 230822 3672 4.5 / 9
21: Raubfisch X48e 3709 4.5 / 9
22: ProteusSF-Piranha 220904 3714 4.0 / 9
23: Big Ballz 010922 3700 4.0 / 9
24: Solista Attack v2 3710 4.0 / 9
25: Teal Oracle 3701 3.5 / 9
26: Spectral 070722 3737 3.5 / 9
27: Redfish 220921 3700 3.0 / 9
28: Charisma Saphir 3708 2.5 / 9

Nebula-vortex 1.0 (Stockfish clone) - tournament winner

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