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StockNemo wins Prelims CEDR group E1 edition 04/2023 (Swiss 10 round, Test by Chess Engines Diary, 2023.04.24-26)

            ๐Ÿฅ‡StockNemo ๐ŸฅˆNiCim 3.4   ๐Ÿฅ‰Flounder

Promotion to the 4 league TOP-64: StockNemo, NiCim 3.4.

๐Ÿ•“ Time 3'+3" ๐Ÿ’ปDell G15 SE, i7-11800H RAM 16,0 GB ๐Ÿ–ฌ GUI-Aquarium
๐Ÿ’พ All CEDR games 119.254 games download (3'+3") 

Engine CEDR Score Chg +/-/=
1: StockNemo 3232 8.0 / 10 -4 (+6 -0 =4)
2: NiCim 3.4 2986 7.5 / 10 +3 (+6 -1 =3)
3: Flounder 3175 7.5 / 10 -8 (+6 -1 =3)
4: Svart 4 2557 7.0 / 10 +54 (+6 -2 =2)
5: Monolith 2 3058 6.5 / 10 -5 (+4 -1 =5)
6: Cheng 4.41 3058 6.5 / 10 -12 (+5 -2 =3)
7: Protej 0.6.4 2906 6.5 / 10 +4 (+6 -3 =1)
8: MadChess 3.2 Beta 2796 6.0 / 10 +7 (+5 -3 =2)
9: Leorik 2.4 2765 6.0 / 10 -3 (+6 -4 =0)
10: Vengeance 1.1.0 2765 6.0 / 10 -4 (+5 -3 =2)
11: Myrddin 0.89 2597 6.0 / 10 +18 (+5 -3 =2)
12: NoC 4.20 2578 6.0 / 10 +16 (+4 -2 =4)
13: Galjoen 0.41.2 2593 5.5 / 10 +17 (+5 -4 =1)
14: Rodent NNUE 1.0 2911 5.5 / 10 +3 (+4 -3 =3)
15: Tantabus 2.0.0 2708 5.5 / 10 -7 (+4 -3 =3)
16: Midnight 5.0 2482 5.5 / 10 +8 (+5 -4 =1)
17: ECE 20.1 2767 5.0 / 10 -4 (+4 -4 =2)
18: KnightX 3.7b 2762 5.0 / 10 -6 (+4 -4 =2)
19: MinimalChess 0.6 2588 5.0 / 10 -11 (+4 -4 =2)
20: Bienchen 1.0 2531 5.0 / 10 -1 (+5 -5 =0)
21: Horowitz 2.2.0 2482 4.5 / 10 -17 (+4 -5 =1)
22: SeeChess 1.2 2335 4.5 / 10 +13 (+4 -5 =1)
23: CDrill 2000 2214 4.5 / 10 +21 (+4 -5 =1)
24: ChessMatrix 1.0.6 2192 4.5 / 10 +8 (+3 -4 =3)
25: Kimbo 1.0.0 2545 4.0 / 10 -14 (+3 -5 =2)
26: Claudia 0.5.1 2194 4.0 / 10 +8 (+3 -5 =2)
27: Rustic Alpha 3.0.0 2186 4.0 / 10 +14 (+2 -4 =4)
28: Baislicka dev ac327fd 2306 4.0 / 10 +17 (+4 -6 =0)
29: Bad Chess 0.4.4 2209 3.5 / 10 +6 (+3 -6 =1)
30: JENCE 1.0.2 1990 3.5 / 10 +21 (+2 -5 =3)
31: Zagreus 2.1.0 1879 3.5 / 10 +24 (+3 -6 =1)
32: Cinnamon 2.5 2422 3.0 / 10 -23 (+2 -6 =2)
33: Cheers 0.2.2 2468 1.0 / 10 -60 (+1 -9 =0)
34: Bagatur 3.7b *crash 3172 0.0 / 10 -89 (+0 -10 =0)

StockNemo - tournament winner, Rating CEDR=3232

A Chess Engine written in C# trying to find good moves like Stockfish. UCI Compatible.
Author: Shaheryar Sohail
