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Stockfish dev-20230520 wins Banksia New Engines Tournament, (Test by Chess Engines Diary 24.05.2023)


πŸ’Ύ 342 games from the tournament download 

πŸ•“ Time 3'+3" πŸ’»HP Pavilion i5-1035G1 8GB RAM  πŸ–¬ GUI-Banksia
πŸ’Ύ All CEDR games 127.860 games download (3'+3") 

Tech Table:
Akimbo 0.3.022910380729020.16.043.3260.6
Critter 1.6a17328291310918.75.946.3275.4
Crystal 6 PMT7510121874825.96.250.1308.5
Fire 519202313551241334824.85.656.8318.6
Fire Zero 51920239327161146522.75.852.7305.2
ice4 v3000.
Ippolit 05132311115178787118.16.246.7290.5
Little Beast 2 sl7773129848837.16.047.9286.5
Princhess 0.11.013568206273015.16.642.0276.3
QuintBot 1.2.047327603769.86.228.7178.7
SFT 26.04.20237790136622440.45.745.2257.7
ShashChess 327455125002336.06.050.5301.3
Stockfish 202305207816124698534.06.344.3277.7
Tenax 0.7.98843158027328.05.660.4338.1
The Baron 3.4512277198326915.86.249.2304.7
Vafra 12.4 Cfish10110182087832.05.652.5291.6
Willow 2.8344662032924.45.650.1278.6
