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Brainlearn 24 wins Banksia Strong Engines Tournament (Test by Chess Engines Diary, 2023.06.06)

πŸ’Ύ 306 games from the tournament download 
πŸ•“ Time 3'+3" πŸ’»HP Pavilion i5-1035G1 8GB RAM  πŸ–¬ GUI-Banksia
πŸ’Ύ All CEDR games 140.461 games download (3'+3") 

Tech Table:

Brainlearn 247158116977638.36.149.4302.0
CatroPOLY 2.4GCC 20230527440774313633.95.948.7289.0
CorChess 4 dev-20230602574794278732.16.151.0310.9
Crystal 6 PMT7361117095227.36.347.0295.7
Deep Blue 2303296497106146139.56.150.5308.9
Dragon 3.2 by Komodo7890131263616.56.058.2349.7
Eman 8.917726112463440.86.944.8307.7
Fisherov chess monk 1.27177118944137.56.052.4315.9
Little Beast 3 sl6309101413142.86.247.0292.4
Polyfish 2306046130104941543.55.854.1316.1
SFT-BIN-CTG 23.05.20237445119946242.56.249.4306.5
ShashChess 326910118476336.05.854.5318.0
Stockfish 15.17496123314638.06.151.3311.6
Stockfish dev-202305257596126014341.66.050.8306.3
Stockfish dev-20230531 Ivec6158100283640.16.148.7299.2
SugaR AI 2.507563129059139.95.954.6319.7
Swordfish 15.47539124815339.06.051.4310.6
Yuli GM PrO 5.06526109525237.26.055.0327.7
