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Chess engine: Zangdar 2.17.09

UCI chess engine (written in C++11).
Rating CEDR=2655

I worked mainly on the evaluation, I still don't made a tuner to improve the tables, it seems rather hard. Instead, I improved the existent features :
cache evaluation
cache pawn structure. This didn't gave a big improvement, but as I add things, this could be useful
redo Late Move Pruning; didn't work for a log time until I discovered a nasty bug in my definition of noisy move !
added Internal Iterative Deepening
added Mate Distance Pruning
simplify quiescence (removed PVline)
redid the definition of valid squares, where the pieces can moves (in the evaluation); thanks to talkchess forum who helped me a lot to understand.
added Syzygy Tables. But I can't use them myself, as my computer don't have a SDD, and so the probing takes too long and loose on time .. For this I use Pyrrhic code, Its was easy to implement. But I had to modify it a little in order to compile with Windows.
and of course, bug eradication...
Zangdar is now a little above 2700, let's hope))

Zangdar 2.17.09 download
