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Halogen 11 wins 3 League CEDR edition 05/2023 Chess Engines Diary, 2023.06.19-24

 ๐Ÿฅ‡Halogen 11 ๐ŸฅˆLittleGoliath 3.17   ๐Ÿฅ‰Coiled 1.1

Promotion to the 2 league CEDR: Halogen 11, LittleGoliath 3.17, Coiled 1.1.
Relegation to Amateur league CEDR: Demolito 21-10-2021, Mittens 0.9, FabChess 1.16, NiCim 3.4.1, RukChess 3.0.15, Danasah 9.0.

๐Ÿ•“ Time 3'+3" ๐Ÿ’ปDell G15 SE, i7-11800H RAM 16,0 GB ๐Ÿ–ฌ GUI-Arena
๐Ÿ’พ All CEDR games 141.461 games download (3'+3")

CEDR League – TOP 64
1 League Edition 05/2023– 3’+3” Rating Score note
1. SugaR Al 2.50 3684 26.0 / 38
2. Stockfish 20230604 3709 26.0 / 38
3. Fisherov chess monk 1.2 3712 25.5 / 38
4. ShashChess 33 3717 25.0 / 38
5. Dragon 3.2 3674 24.5 / 38
6. Lc0 0.30-rc1 3652 22.5 / 38
7. RubiChess 20230410 3592 22.5 / 38
8. Berserk 11.1 3618 22.0 / 38
9. Koivisto 9.20 Impan 3579 22.0 / 38
10. Igel 3.4.0 3545 19.0 / 38
11. Seer 2.6.0 3539 19.0 / 38
12. Arasan 23.5 3480 18.0 / 38
13. Slowchess 2.9 3518 17.0 / 38
14. Clover 4.1 3548 16.0 / 38
15. Minic 3.33 3466 15.0 / 38
16. Caissa 1.9 3510 14.5 / 38
17. Rofchade 3.0 3488 14.0 / 38
18. Fire-zero NN 05192023 3465 13.5 / 38 relegation
19. Pedone 3.1 3430 9.5 / 38 relegation
20. Komodo 14.1 *free 3400 8.5 / 38 relegation

2 League Edition 05/2023 – 3’+3” Rating Score note
1. Velvet 5.2.0 3429 29.5 / 42 promotion
2. Wasp 6.50 3435 29.5 / 42 promotion
3. Nemorino 6.00 3399 27.5 / 42 promotion
4. Booot 7.1 3409 26.5 / 42
5. Smallbrain 7.0 NNUE 3415 26.0 / 42
6. Tucano 10 NNUE 3375 25.0 / 42
7. Devre 4.0 3342 24.5 / 42
8. Marvin 6.1.0 3347 24.0 / 42
9. Black Core 6.0 3385 24.0 / 42
10. Alexandria 3.5.0 3348 22.5 / 42
11. Tenax 0.7.9 3335 21.5 / 42
12. Zahak 10.0 3292 19.5 / 42
13. Weiss 2.1 dev 3327 19.5 / 42
14. Stash 34 3265 19.5 / 42
15. Counter 5.0.0 3337 18.5 / 42
16. Xiphos 0.6.1 3317 18.5 / 42
17. Defenchess 2.3 3282 16.5 / 42
18. Gogobello 3.0 3256 16.0 / 42
19. Mantissa 3.7.2 NNUE 3283 16.0 / 42
20. Roc 2.0.0 3236 13.0 / 42 relegation
21. Andscacs 0.95092 3230 12.5 / 42 relegation
22. Tornado NNUE 3218 12.0 / 42 relegation

3 League Edition 05/2023 – 3’+3” Rating Score note
1. Halogen 11 3379 33.0 / 42 promotion
2. Little Goliath 3.17 3243 29.5 / 42 promotion
3. Coiled 1.1 3282 29.5 / 42 promotion
4. Toga IV 3245 27.5 / 42
5. Frozenight 6.0.0 3296 26.0 / 42
6. Stocknemo 3225 26.0 / 42
7. Combusken 2.0 3230 25.0 / 42
8. GreKo 2021.08 NNUE 3271 24.5 / 42
9. Laser 1.7 3275 24.0 / 42
10. MrBob 1.2.0 3286 23.5 / 42
11. Winter 2.0 3225 23.5 / 42
12. Avalanche 1.4 3191 23.0 / 42
13. Nalwald 17 3065 22.0 / 42
14. Kuma 1.1 3143 21.5 / 42
15. Nirvanachess 2.5 3173 21.0 / 42
16. Invictus r382 3190 20.5 / 42
17. Demolito 2021-10-21 3191 20.5 / 42 relegation
18. Mittens 0.9 3193 17.5 / 42 relegation
19. Fabchess 1.16 3069 13.0 / 42 relegation
20. NiCim 3.4.1 2988 9.0 / 42 relegation
21. RukChess 3.0.15 3102 2.0 / 42 relegation
22. Danasah 9.00 NNUE 3178 0.0 / 42 relegation
