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Stockfish 120623 SF-PB wins Banksia new Engines Tournament (Test by Chess Engines Diary, 18-19.06.2023)

πŸ’Ύ 240 games from the tournament download 

πŸ•“ Time 3'+3" πŸ’»HP Pavilion i5-1035G1 8GB RAM πŸ–¬ GUI-Banksia
πŸ’Ύ All CEDR games 141.461 games download (3'+3") 

Tech Table:
4ku 3.16349100571423.96.339.8251.02
Beast 1.0 sl6253101089734.06.248.0296.7
Berserk 11.111580214037629.15.461.1330.8
CorChess 4 dev-202306146573105125833.16.346.8292.8
Critter 1.6a17132295793319.65.854.5315.5
Fisherov chess monk 1.27488121672736.96.249.6305.4
Lc0 v0.30.0-rc234276.25.954.0318.4
Little Goliath Evolution 3.178802168589116.15.246.5242.8
Nalwald 177960133478928.06.057.2341.3
Polyfish 2306076584107550837.46.148.7297.9
SpecTral sl 1.06313105359139.06.048.6291.0
Stockfish 120623 SF-PB7059108207435.06.540.7265.3
Stockfish dev-202306116207103671138.76.051.6308.7
Stockfish dev-202306127239113344939.06.444.0281.0
Texel 1.0813229209132219.86.348.5307.0
Velvet 5.2.19434147129721.66.447.2302.9
