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Stockfish 20230520 Ivec wins Arena New Engines Tournament (Test by Chess Engines Diary, 2023.06.02-08)

πŸ’Ύ 870(!) games from the tournament download 

πŸ•“ Time 3'+3" πŸ’»HP ENVY i5-8250U 8GB RAM πŸ–¬ GUI-Arena
πŸ’Ύ All CEDR games 141.461 games download (3'+3") 

Engine CEDR Score +/-/=
1: Stockfish 20230520 Ivec 3729 50.0 / 58 (+42 -0 =16)
2: ShashChess 32 3717 49.5 / 58 (+42 -1 =15)
3: Swordfish 15.4 3698 49.5 / 58 (+41 -0 =17)
4: Corchess 20230520 3744 49.0 / 58 (+40 -0 =18)
5: CatroPOLY 2.4GCC 3704 48.5 / 58 (+39 -0 =19)
6: Stockfish 23052518 3732 48.0 / 58 (+38 -0 =20)
7: Crystal 6 PMT 3700 48.0 / 58 (+39 -1 =18)
8: Little Beast 3 sl 3719 48.0 / 58 (+38 -0 =20)
9: Uralochka 3.39d 3484 43.5 / 58 (+34 -5 =19)
10: Fire-zero 5192023 3492 41.5 / 58 (+35 -10 =13)
11: Viridithas 9.1.0 3448 39.0 / 58 (+33 -13 =12)
12: Fire 5192023 3428 38.5 / 58 (+34 -15 =9)
13: Svart 5.0.0 3115 34.0 / 58 (+29 -19 =10)
14: Rice 6.0 3180 33.5 / 58 (+27 -18 =13)
15: Drofa 4.0.0 3327 32.0 / 58 (+25 -19 =14)
16: Bagatur 3.7d 3171 28.0 / 58 (+26 -28 =4)
17: Altair 3.0.0 3096 26.0 / 58 (+22 -28 =8)
18: Mess 0.3.0 2670 24.5 / 58 (+21 -30 =7)
19: Renegade 0.11.0 2596 22.5 / 58 (+21 -34 =3)
20: Vengeance 3.0.0 3054 21.5 / 58 (+18 -33 =7)
21: Akimbo 0.3.0 2683 18.0 / 58 (+16 -38 =4)
22: Axon 0.3 2272 14.5 / 58 (+9 -38 =11)
23: Eubos 2.21 2461 13.0 / 58 (+11 -43 =4)
24: Kheprichess 4.0.0 2400 12.5 / 58 (+11 -44 =3)
25: Reckless 0.1.0 2400 12.0 / 58 (+11 -45 =2)
26: StoneChess 2023-05-20 2210 9.5 / 58 (+9 -48 =1)
27: QuintBot 1.2.0 1933 6.5 / 58 (+4 -49 =5)
28: Demon 1.3 1905 6.0 / 58 (+5 -51 =2)
29: Sargon 1.01b 1719 3.0 / 58 (+2 -54 =2)
30: Milady 4.36 2482 0.0 / 58 (+0 -58 =0)
