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Polyfish 230708 wins Banksia Strong Engines Tournament (Chess Engines Diary, 2023.07.13)

πŸ’Ύ 380 games from the tournament download 

πŸ•“ Time 3'+3" πŸ’»HP Pavilion i5-1035G1 8GB RAM πŸ–¬ GUI-Banksia
πŸ’Ύ All CEDR games 151.576 games download (3'+3") 

Berserk 11.111184218589430.45.175.2384.8
Brainlearn 25.26765112723741.56.050.7304.0
Caissa 1.1011334193703425.65.961.4359.1
CorChess 4 dev-20230708569296353832.75.953.9318.2
Fisherov chess monk 1.27416125292038.45.952.3309.5
Little Goliath Evolution 3.178774164524116.75.351.0271.8
Marvin 6.2.07235127076325.05.757.8328.8
Polyfish 230708572392458436.36.249.1303.8
Raid 2.1560097958137.15.758.0331.7
Rice 7.0.0353369535726.15.152.3265.8
ShashChess 33.26557107278937.76.149.6303.0
Stockfish 15.18355137024837.36.151.3312.6
Stockfish 166911122548244.85.658.1327.4
Stockfish dev-20230706 Ivec5900105391642.95.657.6322.6
Swordfish 15.48052136039740.05.953.7317.7
Texel 1.0813220211492220.16.351.1319.1
XTD 0107235793100817237.75.754.3311.9
