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Clover 6.0 wins Amateur Engines Tournament, (by Chess Engines Diary, 2023.08.12-17)


 ๐Ÿ’พ 756 games from the tournament download 

๐Ÿ•“ Time 3'+3" ๐Ÿ’ปLenovo Z710 i7-4710MG 8GB RAM ๐Ÿ–ฌ GUI-Arena
Country - Poland, City - Malbork
๐Ÿ’พ All CEDR games 156.485 games download (3'+3") 

Engine CEDR Score Chg +/-/=
1: Clover 6.03541 48.0 / 54 +22 (+42 -0 =12)
2: Booot 7.23414 47.0 / 54 +38 (+42 -2 =10)
3: Arasan 24.03488 46.5 / 54 +16 (+39 -0 =15)
4: Blackmarlin 8.0 3389 46.5 / 54 +38 (+41 -2 =11)
5: Velvet 5.3.0 3450 46.0 / 54 +16 (+40 -2 =12)
6: Arasan 23.5 3488 45.5 / 54 +5 (+41 -4 =9)
7: Marvin 6.2.0 3441 44.5 / 54 +5 (+38 -3 =13)
8: Nalwald 18 3249 38.5 / 54 -5 (+32 -9 =13)
9: Critter 1.6a 3200 35.0 / 54 -16 (+26 -10 =18)
10: Demolito 2023-08-03 3226 35.0 / 54 -27 (+31 -15 =8)
11: Bagatur 3.7d 3170 32.0 / 54 -38 (+28 -18 =8)
12: Akimbo 0.5.0 2722 31.5 / 54 +81 (+27 -18 =9)
13: GOOB 1.8.9 2389 31.0 / 54 +167 (+25 -17 =12)
14: Peacekeeper 1.70 3000 29.5 / 54 -5 (+23 -18 =13)
15: OliThink 5.10.3 2903 29.0 / 54 +16 (+26 -22 =6)
16: Cadie 1.5D 2935 28.5 / 54 +0 (+26 -23 =5)
17: Polaris 1.8.1 3084 25.5 / 54  -76 (+24 -27 =3)
18: Zangdar 2.19.03 2838 23.5 / 54 -16 (+21 -28 =5)
19: Lishex 1.1.1 2400 19.5 / 54 +54 (+18 -33 =3)
20: Catacomb 1 2400 14.0 / 54 +0 (+13 -39 =2)
21: Lynx 0.15.0 2048 13.0 / 54  +54 (+12 -40 =2)
22: Axon 0.3 2344 13.0 / 54 +0 (+11 -39 =4)
23: Pingu 20230813 2400 11.0 / 54 -32 (+9 -41 =4)
24: Redtail 0.1.0 2400 9.5 / 54 -43 (+8 -43 =3)
25: Lynx 0.14.1 2048 7.0 / 54 -5 (+6 -46 =2)
26: Valiant Mk V 1643 4.0 / 54 -22 (+4 -50 =0)
27: Bobbulus 1.1.0 2400 2.0 / 54 -119 (+2 -52 =0)
28: Bobbulus 2.0.0 2400 0.0 / 54 -140 (+0 -54 =0)
