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Cool Iris 10.40 wins New Engines Tournament (by Chess Engines Diary, 2023.08.04)

πŸ’Ύ 380 games from the tournament download 

πŸ•“ Time 3'+3" πŸ’»HP Pavilion i5-1035G1 8GB RAM πŸ–¬ GUI-Banksia
πŸ’Ύ All CEDR games 156.485 games download (3'+3") 

Tech table:
Alexandria 4.0496391959627.45.455.0296.7
Avalanche 1.5.0433876125122.45.750.3286.41
Caissa 1.1113321227131927.15.950.7297.6
Coiled 1.2 x64 - 10th anniversary524289447724.95.948.3283.3
Cool Iris 10.40431970230228.66.246.1283.7
Critter 1.6a18407311986619.45.951.3302.9
GOOB 1.8.9465581898128.35.753.2302.2
Lynx 0.14.114002424798.65.830.1173.5
Patzer AI EXP 110720236846114576032.36.047.9286.0
Raid 2.7i469481235536.25.847.8276.0
SF-Pro and bin656294230738.67.041.4288.5
Stockfish 15.18974137651134.86.545.8298.7
Stockfish 167234117245037.96.245.1278.5
Stockfish dev-202307296148108442837.55.755.4314.2
Stormphrax 1.0.010419199449931.15.252.3273.2
Strelka 6 w328176153842219.65.360.3320.3
Texel 1.096767117861319.35.754.2310.9
Tucano 11.00.112188230712928.45.362.0327.5
Wahoo 3.0.018792326793824.55.844.1253.5
Wize 1.0564893383012.06.036.5220.6
