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CorChess 310723sl wins Fritz New Engines Tournament (by Chess Engines Diary 2023.08.06-09)

πŸ’Ύ 380 games from the tournament download 

πŸ•“ Time 3'+3" πŸ’»HP Pavilion i5-1035G1 8GB RAM πŸ–¬ GUI-Banksia
πŸ’Ύ All CEDR games 156.485 games download (3'+3") 

Engine Score +/-/=
1: CorChess 310723sl 30.5 / 38 (+23 -0 =15)
2: Cool Iris 10.50 30.0 / 38 (+22 -0 =16)
3: TACTICAL 010823 30.0 / 38 (+22 -0 =16)
4: SF-Pro bin 29.5 / 38 (+21 -0 =17)
5: Incognito 020823 29.5 / 38 (+21 -0 =17)
6: Stockfish, dev-20230729 29.5 / 38 (+21 -0 =17)
7: CatroPOLY 3.3GCC 20230803 29.5 / 38 (+22 -1 =15)
8: Raid 2.7i 29.0 / 38 (+20 -0 =18)
9: Booot 7.2 23.0 / 38 (+18 -10 =10)
10: Texel 1.09 21.0 / 38 (+15 -11 =12)
11: Alexandria 4.0 19.5 / 38 (+14 -13 =11)
12: Critter 1.6a 17.0 / 38 (+12 -16 =10)
13: GOOB 1.8.9 13.0 / 38 (+12 -24 =2)
14: Pedantic 0.4.1 11.5 / 38 (+10 -25 =3)
15: akimbo 0.4.1 11.0 / 38 (+9 -25 =4)
16: Lishex 1.1.0 11.0 / 38 (+10 -26 =2)
17: Coiled 1.2
7.5 / 38 (+7 -30 =1)
18: MIDA 1.2.1 6.0 / 38 (+5 -31 =2)
19: Pingu 2.0 / 38 (+2 -36 =0)
20: Lynx 0.14.1 0.0 / 38 (+0 -38 =0)

See also:
