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Drofa 4.0.0 wins Amateur Engines Tournament (by Chess Engines Diary 2023.08.07-11)

๐Ÿ’พ 552 games from the tournament download 

๐Ÿ•“ Time 3'+3" ๐Ÿ’ปLenovo Z710 i7-4710MG 8GB RAM ๐Ÿ–ฌ GUI-Arena
๐Ÿ’พ All CEDR games 156.485 games download (3'+3") 

Engine CEDR Score Chg +/-/=
1: Drofa 4.0.0 3234 40.5 / 46 +23 (+37 -2 =7)
2: DeepShredder 13 3217 40.5 / 46 +28 (+36 -1 =9)
3: Svart 5.0.0 3251 39.0 / 46 +5 (+35 -3 =8)
4: Demolito 09-07-2023 3226 38.0 / 46 +0 (+33 -3 =10)
5: Critter 1.6a 3200 37.0 / 46 -9 (+33 -5 =8)
6: Midnight 7 3085 37.0 / 46 +18 (+35 -7 =4)
7: Spike 1.4 2999 33.5 / 46 +14 (+30 -9 =7)
8: Carp 2.0 2998 33.0 / 46 +9 (+29 -9 =8)
9: The Baron 3.45 2948 29.5 / 46 -9 (+25 -12 =9)
10: Cadie 1.5D 2935 29.0 / 46 -9 (+24 -12 =10)
11: Seawall 20230629 2765 25.0 / 46 +9 (+20 -16 =10)
12: Clovis III 2862 25.0 / 46 -23 (+20 -16 =10)
13: Akimbo 0.4.1 2722 24.5 / 46 +23 (+21 -18 =7)
14: K2 0.99 2751 22.0 / 46 -14 (+17 -19 =10)
15: Lishex 1.1.0 2400 21.0 / 46 +97 (+16 -20 =10)
16: Catacomb 1 2400 17.5 / 46 +60 (+15 -26 =5)
17: Xoron b196 2333 14.0 / 46 +37 (+12 -30 =4)
18: Queen 4.05 2564 13.0 / 46 -32 (+11 -31 =4)
19: Kheprichess 4.0.1 2427 9.5 / 46 -23 (+9 -36 =1)
20: Jangine 2023-03-31 2262 9.0 / 46 +5 (+8 -36 =2)
21: Camel 1.0.1 2574 6.5 / 46 -97 (+5 -38 =3)
22: Lynx 0.14.1 2048 5.5 / 46 -5 (+5 -40 =1)
23: Sargon 1.01b Static 1721 2.0 / 46 -32 (+2 -44 =0)
24: Megalodon 1.1.0 2400 0.5 / 46 -110 (+0 -45 =1)
