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Stockfish 2023081309 NNUE for Windows and Linux, compiled by Michael Chaly (Elo +3.33)

Stockfish 2023081309 - UCI chess engine, compiled by Michael Chaly
Rating CEDR=3732

Timestamp: 1691919504
Give extra bonus to main history for moves that caused a fail low. #4744
Current master gives this type of bonuses to continuation history, this patch also gives them to main history.

Passed STC:
LLR: 2.94 (-2.94,2.94) <0.00,2.00>
Total: 480768 W: 122767 L: 121798 D: 236203 Elo +0.70
Ptnml(0-2): 1563, 56190, 123834, 57309, 1488

Passed LTC:
LLR: 2.95 (-2.94,2.94) <0.50,2.50>
Total: 32052 W: 8329 L: 8022 D: 15701 Elo +3.33
Ptnml(0-2): 19, 3335, 9015, 3634, 23

Bench: 1711793

Stockfish rating progress:
Engine Rating Score Games (%)
Stockfish 20230227 3732.4 92.00 134 68.66
Stockfish 241022 3724.2 64.00 112 57.14
Stockfish 031022 3720.9 110.50 158 69.94
Stockfish 070922 3718.9 123.00 164 75.00
Stockfish 20230325 3718.5 109.00 169 64.50
Stockfish 20221107 3717.8 106.50 186 57.26
Stockfish 20230308 Ivec 3717.6 79.00 120 65.83
Stockfish 301022 3717.6 112.00 175 64.00
Stockfish 20230218 3715.1 110.50 164 67.38
Stockfish 20230128 3713.1 69.00 106 65.09
Stockfish 290522 Ivec 3711.0 113.00 144 78.47
Stockfish 080622 Ivec 3709.7 94.50 133 71.05
Stockfish 161022 3709.5 147.00 240 61.25
Stockfish 20221123 3709.5 247.50 356 69.52
Stockfish dev-20230520 3708.9 106.50 174 61.21
Stockfish 20221224 3707.4 65.50 104 62.98
Stockfish dev-20230503 Ivec 3706.8 168.50 234 72.01
Stockfish 101022 Ivec 3705.6 82.50 138 59.78
Stockfish 20230308 3705.2 167.00 259 64.48
Stockfish 040722 3705.0 308.50 433 71.25
Stockfish 20230114 3704.6 295.00 410 71.95
Stockfish 20230314 3704.6 119.50 200 59.75
Stockfish 20221221 3703.6 165.00 267 61.80
Stockfish 061122 Ivec 3703.2 130.00 201 64.68
Stockfish 20230314 Ivec 3701.2 94.00 137 68.61
Stockfish dev-20230505 3700.7 97.50 172 56.69
Stockfish 20230104 3700.7 95.50 151 63.25
Stockfish 170922 Ivec 3700.2 107.50 155 69.35
Stockfish 130722 3698.9 102.50 166 61.75
Stockfish 20221120 3698.6 134.50 203 66.26
Stockfish 20230125 3698.5 136.50 201 67.91
Stockfish 110722 Ivec 3698.3 105.50 134 78.73
StockfishMZ 170522 3697.7 345.00 482 71.58
Stockfish 20230101 3697.5 74.00 119 62.18
Stockfish 070622 3697.1 279.00 462 60.39
Stockfish 060822 Ivec 3696.4 96.50 153 63.07
Stockfish 081022 3696.1 89.50 176 50.85
Stockfish dev-20230503 3692.7 78.50 110 71.36
Stockfish 15 3691.1 1038.00 1623 63.96
Stockfish 20221209 3690.4 122.50 192 63.80
Stockfish 030522 3689.6 101.50 150 67.67
Stockfish 20230329 3688.5 75.00 132 56.82
Stockfish 20230202 3687.0 86.00 128 67.19
Stockfish 20221220 3684.4 61.00 107 57.01
Stockfish 20230313 3683.6 82.50 104 79.33
Stockfish 170922 3678.1 150.00 226 66.37
StockfishMZ Iccf 240522 3637.8 100.50 150 67.00


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