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TACTICAL 010823 wins Banksia - Strong Engines Tournament (by Chess Engines Diary, 2023.08.12)


πŸ’Ύ 924 games from the tournament download 

πŸ•“ Time 3'+3" πŸ’»HP Pavilion i5-1035G1 8GB RAM πŸ–¬ GUI-Banksia
πŸ’Ύ All CEDR games 156.485 games download (3'+3") 

Tech Table:
Berserk 11.111090206396028.95.466.2355.9
Brainlearn 25.26773111550242.76.148.2292.6
Cool Iris 10.50388164301230.56.050.5304.6
CorChess 310723 sl585093770533.36.247.4295.6
Deep Blue dev-20230628564093656440.26.050.1301.6
Fire Zero 51920239999170064523.95.958.4343.4
Honey 14.1.017910135710540.65.854.5317.4
Leptir Classic8024129588134.96.249.4305.8
Little Beast 3 sl6488105081241.56.248.2297.4
Polyfish 2308076013100419541.86.050.2300.8
Raid 2.7i393482474842.64.850.9242.9
Raid 2.7ii435181678240.45.351.0271.8
SF-Pro and bin695190514144.47.738.2293.5
Stockfish 166812117875741.15.855.5320.7
SugaR AI 2.507673126523835.36.151.8314.3
TACTICAL 010823499081431238.86.147.9293.7
Texel 1.096720111536619.06.056.2338.6
Vafra 12.4 Cfish9986180031531.65.559.1327.8
Vanilla v136405118627640.75.447.1254.4
XTD 010723599398562038.56.149.9303.3
Yuli GM PrO 5.06788113760837.76.054.4324.4
