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Banksia New Engines Tournament (by Chess Engines Diary, 2023.09.27)


πŸ’Ύ 552 games from the tournament download 

πŸ•“ Time 3'+3" πŸ’»HP Pavilion i5-1035G1 8GB RAM πŸ–¬ GUI-Banksia
Country - Poland, City - Malbork
πŸ’Ύ All CEDR games 175.973 games download (3'+3") 

Tech table:
Cheers 0.3.012781198121225.86.546.5300.2
Chers 0.4.0858411469677.37.530.6229.1
CorChess dev-20230911551992376331.06.046.5277.7
CorChess dev-20230923529681022132.46.541.5271.3
CT800 1.457233133733818.25.451.2276.7
Kelp 0.12.0143624026610.66.034.3204.9
Lishex 1.1.16588111081127.45.940.9242.6
Lynx 0.17.0306248589210.76.335.1221.4
Midnight 77270120985729.16.045.9275.9
Nalwald 187820135876626.85.856.8327.2
Obsidian 1.07599147655913.55.151.1263.13
Patzer AI 220823444378046938.05.741.0233.2
Princhess 0.12.29887148577711.86.740.8271.7
Raid 2.75 Recon378066534937.95.743.8248.7
SF-PRO 17092023442981692337.05.443.7237.0
ShashChess 33.26505103425134.36.344.8282.0
Sting Black Hole 510907161209423.06.843.7295.92
Stockfish 15.18470132209439.36.445.7292.9
Stockfish dev-20230911 Ivec598697120837.66.246.0283.2
Stockfish dev-20230922 Ivec511683371336.86.144.7274.6
SugaR AI SE7772125785441.46.243.0265.6
Sun SE615694047129.76.542.0274.6
