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Chess engine: Rofchade 3.1 NNUE (Mac, Linux, Rapberry Pi and Windows)

Rofchade is a UCI chess engine written in C++.
Author- Ronald Friederich.  Rating CEDR=3501

There are 4 rofChade builds available:
- rofChadeAVX512VNNI
- rofChadeAVX512
- rofChadeBMI2AVX2
- rofChadeAVX2

The first version (AVX512VNNI) is the fastest, the last version(AVX2) the slowest. Which version you can use depends on the possibilities of your CPU. If the specific version is not supported by your processor rofChade will crash.

AVX512 is only available on the latest intel processors and latest AMD processors, usually the older the CPU the lower the version you need to use. If you don't know which one you can use, you can do a one time trial and error from highest to lowest version to test which version works best for your processor. After startup of the engine you can type "go" to calculate a move from the starting position. rofChade will show the "nps" (nodes per second). The higher the nps the better.

A special note to AMD CPU's. Only the latest AMD CPU's have a fast BMI2 implementation, on older AMD CPU's BMI2 is much slower, so the BMI2AVX2 version will also be slower than the AVX2 version. Check both versions with "go" which is the fastest on your computer.

This rofChade version uses a neural network which is included in the zip. If the network can not be found rofChade will not be able to calculate a bestmove. Default it will look in the directory where rofChade is started. There is a UCI option to explicitly set the network:

setoption name NetFile value /yourdirectory/220620-224.nnue

Rating CERD progres - RofChade
Pl Engine Rating Score Games %
599 RofChade 3.0 3501.9 951.50 1986 47.91
731 RofChade 2.3 3292.4 46.50 90 51.67

Rofchade 3.1 download


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