Carp Carp is a UCI-compatible didactic engine written in Rust, using a bitboard-based piece-centric approach.
The engine is built on top of a conventional Negamax search and uses a simple NNUE evaluation.
Carp uses a 768->(256x2)->1 perspective net trained with MarlinFlow. It fully relies on its own self-play data for training the network, and a datagen script (for windows, as its my more capable machine) for fen generation. All utilities for training the network are found in the Scripts directory. As of Carp 2.0, NNUE has compltely replaced the old HCE.
Rating CEDR=3071
This version removes Syzygy TB support for release executables, due to crashes on certain machines. Syzygy tablebases are still available through make syzygy, though the issue causing the crash is yet to be determined.
Check out the v3.0.0 patch notes for the changes from v2.0.0
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