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CorChess 150823 Dimension 2048 wins Banksia New Engines Tournament, (by Chess Engines Diary, 2023.09.14)


πŸ’Ύ 342 games from the tournament download 

πŸ•“ Time 3'+3" πŸ’»HP Pavilion i5-1035G1 8GB RAM πŸ–¬ GUI-Banksia
Country - Poland, City - Malbork
πŸ’Ύ All CEDR games 175.973 games download (3'+3") 

Tech table:
4ku 3.15864102237224.55.747.5272.6
Arasan 24.0480773376426.86.644.7292.8
Caissa 1.1212378203925728.16.151.2310.7
CorChess 150823 Dimension 2048539782115930.16.642.2277.3
CT800 1.457012125560617.65.643.3241.5
Eman 8.919039122800436.37.438.6284.0
GOOB 1.8.9454075726827.06.043.8262.5
Little Beast 3 sl6822111632543.26.147.6291.0
Little Goliath 3.179961189614716.35.344.2232.0
Lux 2.18089119817812.16.828.4192.0
Nalwald 187362123065826.16.049.9298.8
Raid 2.73i449377574637.25.844.0254.7
Raid v2.74 Recon314152131534.96.050.0301.3
Rengar 1.1.06905143492414.04.837.9182.23
SF-Pro 23-08.2023425671564140.15.948.8290.2
Stockfish 15.18677134193737.56.545.3292.6
Stockfish 167159115316739.26.245.3280.9
Stockfish 20230903 Ivec612297798837.86.345.3283.6
