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League Chess Engines Diary Edition 06/2023– final results

  League Chess Engines Diary Edition 06/2023– final results

191 chess engines participated in the league!

CEDR League – TOP 64
1 League Edition 06/2023– 3’+3” Rating Score note
1. Stockfish 16 3708 26.5 / 38
2. Fisherov chess monk 1.2 3713 26.0 / 38
3. SugaR Al 2.50 3688 25.5 / 38
4. ShashChess 33.2 3759 24.5 / 38
5. Dragon 3.2 3676 23.5 / 38
6. Berserk 11.1 3622 21.0 / 38
7. Lc0 0.30 3662 21.0 / 38
8. RubiChess 20230410 3602 20.0 / 38
9. Koivisto 9.20 Impan 3592 19.5 / 38
10. Igel 3.5.0 3583 19.0 / 38
11. Clover 6.0 3541 19.0 / 38
12. Slowchess 2.9 3521 18.5 / 38
13. Seer 2.6.0 3542 16.5 / 38
14. Wasp 6.50 3433 16.0 / 38
15. Minic 3.33 3468 15.0 / 38
16. Arasan 23.5 3488 14.5 / 38
17. Velvet 5.3.0 3450 14.0 / 38
18. Nemorino 6.00 3404 13.5 / 38 relegation
19. Rofchade 3.0 3489 13.5 / 38 relegation
20. Caissa 1.11 3590 13.0 / 38 relegation
2 League Edition 06/2023 – 3’+3” Rating Score note
1. Alexandria 4.0 3348 34,5/42 promotion
2. Booot 7.2 3414 32,5/42 promotion
3. Fire-zero NN 05192023 3507 31,5/42 promotion
4. Komodo 14.1 *free 3391 31,0/42
5. Marvin 6.2.0 3441 28,0/42
6. Pedone 3.1 3432 27,5/42
7. Xiphos 0.6.1 3314 27,0/42
8. Smallbrain 7.0 NNUE 3415 26,5/42
9. Tucano 11.00.1 3392 26,5/42
10. Black Core 6.0 3386 26,5/42
11. Gogobello 3.0 3252 26,0/42
12. Tenax 0.7.9 3338 23,5/42
13. Weiss 2.1 dev 3323 23,5/42
14. Little Goliath 3.17 3322 23,0/42
15. Zahak 10.0 3292 21,5/42
16. Defenchess 2.3 3278 21,5/42
17. Coiled 1.2 3298 11,5/42
18. Devre 4.0 *crash 3348 4.0/42 relegation
19. Stash 34 *crash 3268 4.0/42 relegation
20. Mantissa 3.7.2 NNUE *crash 3275 4.0/42 relegation
21. Counter 5.0.0 *crash 3324 4.0/42 relegation
22. Halogen 11 *crash 3384 4.0/42 relegation
3 League Edition 06/2023 – 3’+3” Rating Score note
1. Viridithas 10.0.0 3448 40.0 / 42 promotion
2. Superultra 1.0 NNUE 2400 33.0 / 42 promotion
3. Rice 7.0 3180 29.0 / 42 promotion
4. Frozenight 6.0.0 3296 27.0 / 42 promotion
5. Toga IV 3245 26.5 / 42 promotion
6. GreKo 2021.08 NNUE 3271 26.0 / 42
7. MrBob 1.2.0 3286 25.0 / 42
8. Texel 1.09 3188 24.5 / 42
9. Andscacs 0.95092 3230 23.0 / 42
10. Combusken 2.0 3230 22.5 / 42
11. Nalwald 18 3065 22.5 / 42
12. Winter 2.0 3225 22.5 / 42
13. Laser 1.7 3275 21.5 / 42
14. Svart 5.0.0 3115 20.0 / 42
15. Tornado NNUE 3218 18.5 / 42
16. Avalanche 1.5 3191 18.5 / 42
17. Roc 2.0.0 3236 16.5 / 42 relegation
18. Nirvanachess 2.5 3173 15.5 / 42 relegation
19. Invictus r382 3190 14.5 / 42 relegation
20. Kuma 1.1 3143 13.5 / 42 relegation
21. Stocknemo *crash 3225 1.0 / 42 relegation
22. Expositor 2BR17 *crash 3133 1.0 / 42 relegation
Prelims: new and amateur engines

E1 Edition 06/2023 – 3’+3” Rating Score note
1 Flounder 3167 37.0 / 41 promotion
2 Monolith 2 3061 36.5 / 41 promotion
3 Bagatur 3.7b 3170 36.0 / 41
4 Midnight v7 3085 36.0 / 41
5 Rodent NNUE 3045 34.5 / 41
6 Vengeance 3.0.0 3013 33.5 / 41
7 Fabchess 1.16 3069 33.0 / 41
8 Caligula 1.1 2761 31.5 / 41
9 Wize 1.0 3060 31.0 / 41
10 Protej 0.6.4 2895 31.0 / 41
11 OliThink 5.10.5 2903 31.0 / 41
12 Ice4 v3.1 2915 29.5 / 41
13. Leorik 2.4 2795 29.0 / 41
14. Shallow v5 1784 27.5 / 41
15. ECE 20.1 2762 27.0 / 41
16. KnightX 3.8 2758 26.5 / 41
17. MadChess 3.2 beta 2785 26.5 / 41
18. Tantabus 2.0.0 2681 25.5 / 41
19. Myrddin 0.89 (winboard) 2769 22.5 / 41
20. Rengar 1.0.2 2400 21.5 / 41
21 Galjoen 0.41.2 2598 21.0 / 41
22 Bienchen 1.0 2515 20.0 / 41
23 NoC 4.20 2606 19.5 / 41
24 Minimalchess 0.6 2583 19.5 / 41
25 Eubos 2.23 2465 18.0 / 41
26 Mida 1.2.1 2586 16.5 / 41
27 Kimbo 1.0.0 2537 16.0 / 41
28 Axon 0.3 2344 14.5 / 41
29 Horowitz 2.2.0 2486 12.5 / 41
30 Albatros 1.0.0 2225 11.5 / 41
31 Baislicka dev ac327fd 2321 11.0 / 41
32 seeChess 1.2 2341 11.0 / 41
33 Danasah 9.00 NNUE 3127 9.5 / 41
34 Jence 1.0.2 2278 9.0 / 41
35 CDrill-2000 2211 9.0 / 41
36 Rustic-alpha 3 2173 8.5 / 41
37 Badchess 0.4.4 2210 8.5 / 41
38 Claudia 0.51 2191 6.5 / 41
39 Tofiks 1.1.0 2240 5.5 / 41
40 ChessMatrix 1.0.6 2175 5.0 / 41
41 Piglet 1.3.1 2400 2.0 / 41
42 White Widow 1.0.0 2400 0.0 / 41
E2 Edition 06/2023 – 3’+3” Rating Score note
1 Chess-System-Tal-NNUE-2 3643 41.0 / 42 promotion
2 Stormphrax 1.0.0 3301 37.5 / 42 promotion
3 Willow 3.0 3043 37.0 / 42
4 Drofa 4.0.0 3234 37.0 / 42
5. Pawn 1.0 3231 36.5 / 42
6. Cheng4 0.41 3054 32.5 / 42
7. Mittens 0.9 3169 31.5 / 42
8. Peacekeeper 1.70 3000 31.0 / 42
9. Amoeba 3.4 3071 31.0 / 42
10. Topple 0.8.1 3034 29.5 / 42
11. Cheese 3.1.1 2991 29.0 / 42
12. GOOB 1.8.9 2389 29.0 / 42
13. BBC 1.4 2956 28.5 / 42
14. Journeyman 2.1 2987 28.0 / 42
15. Godel 7.0 2970 27.5 / 42
16. Wahoo 3.0.0 2982 27.5 / 42
17. The Baron 3.45 2948 25.5 / 42
18. Mess 0.3.0 2811 23.5 / 42
19. Delocto 0.61n 2799 23.0 / 42
20. Inanis 1.2.0 2846 23.0 / 42
21 CT800 1.45 2660 21.5 / 42
22 Clovis III 2862 21.0 / 42
23 Renegade 0.11.0 2785 21.0 / 42
24 Colossus 2022a 2766 20.0 / 42
25 Apotheosis 4.01 2863 18.0 / 42
26 Princhess 0.12.0 2762 17.5 / 42
27 K2 0.99 2751 17.5 / 42
28 Novice 3.1 2715 17.5 / 42
29 RukChess 3.0.15 3258 16.5 / 42
30 Lishex 1.1.1 2400 16.5 / 42
31 Raven 1.30 2647 15.0 / 42
32 Paulchen 332 0.1.1 2654 13.5 / 42
33 Admete 1.5.0 2623 12.0 / 42
34 Jinx 1.0 2384 11.0 / 42
35 Queen 4.05 2564 11.0 / 42
36 Luna 1.1.0 2201 10.0 / 42
37 Mayhem 8.1 2955 9.0 / 42
38 KhepriChess 4.0.1 2427 7.5 / 42
39 Halcyon 1 2400 7.5 / 42
40 Pingu 1.0.0 2400 5.5 / 42
41 Kelp 0.12.0 2400 4.0 / 42
42 Megalodon 1.1.0 2400 1.0 / 42
43 RΓ©glisse 2400 0.0 / 42
E3 Edition 06/2023 – 3’+3” Rating Score note
1 Starfish 0.1 3357 39.5 / 41 promotion
2 Akimbo 0.5.0 3086 36.0 / 41 promotion
3 Demolito 2023-08-03 3213 36.0 / 41
4 Sting Black Hole 4 3167 35.5 / 41
5. Beef 0.3.6 3163 35.0 / 41
6. Ippolit 051323 3120 35.0 / 41
7. Altair 4.0.0 3109 32.5 / 41
8. Polaris 1.8.1 3100 32.5 / 41
9. Cadie 1.5 2980 31.5 / 41
10. Asymptote 0.8 2972 31.5 / 41
11. Gargantua 1.0 NNUE 3102 30.5 / 41
12. NiCim 3.4.1 2997 29.0 / 41
13. 4ku 3.1 2911 28.5 / 41
14. Zangdar 2.19.03 2935 27.5 / 41
15. Tomcat 1.0 3012 27.0 / 41
16. Pedantic 0.4.1 2882 27.0 / 41
17. Ceibo 0.9 2928 25.0 / 41
18. Seawall 20230629 2834 22.5 / 41
19. Dumb 1.11 2766 22.0 / 41
20. Zevra 2.5 2756 21.0 / 41
21 Supernova 2.4 2792 20.5 / 41
22 Blunder 8.5.5 2788 20.0 / 41
23 Foxsee 8.2 2561 20.0 / 41
24 Devel 2735 19.5 / 41
25 Prophet 4.3 2635 18.5 / 41
26 Barbarossa 0.6.0 2593 16.0 / 41
27 Catacomb 1 2605 16.0 / 41
28 Anka 0.6.3 2564 15.5 / 41
29 Shen Yu 2.0.1 2288 14.5 / 41
30 Cosette 5.1 2615 14.5 / 41
31 Popochin 4.3 2504 13.5 / 41
32 Loki 3.5.0 2617 13.0 / 41
33 Fornax 4.0 2613 10.0 / 41
34 StoneChess 2023-06-23 2385 8.0 / 41
35 MagiC 2.0 2314 7.5 / 41
36 Lynx 0.16 2249 7.0 / 41
37 Camel 1.0.1 2187 5.5 / 41
38 FrankyGo 1.0.3 2279 5.0 / 41
39 Reckless 0.1.0 2321 5.0 / 41
40 Cadabra 2.0.0 2131 3.0 / 41
41 Redtail 0.1.0 2141 2.5 / 41
42 Athena 1.0.1 1821 1.0 / 41
