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ShashChess 33.2 wins Banksia New Engines Tournament (by Chess Engines Diary, 2023.09.24)

 ๐Ÿ’พ 380 games from the tournament download

๐Ÿ•“ Time 3'+3" ๐Ÿ’ปDell G15 SE, i7-11800H RAM 16,0 GB ๐Ÿ–ฌ GUI-Banksia
Country - Poland, City - Malbork
๐Ÿ’พ All CEDR games 175.973 games download (3'+3") 

Tech Table:
Berserk 2023090710284204830829.45.052.5263.7
Chers 0.4.0949612713277.17.527.4205.0
CorChess 4 dev-20230911595296084130.66.245.7283.0
CT800 1.457078132570918.45.354.8292.4
Fire 910464182601723.35.749.2282.0
Fire Zero 519202310731184226223.05.852.6306.1
GOOB 1.8.9488385940828.55.750.2285.32
Inanis 1.2.151756900068221.95.850.1288.32
Ippolit 05132312646208678618.76.150.5305.91
Lynx 0.17.0319849349310.26.533.8218.8
Obsidian 1.08301155433813.75.346.1245.92
Protej 20230919a639096676933.66.645.0297.4
Rengar 1.2.07639149894415.15.146.5237.11
ShashChess 33.26826110215634.66.245.0278.6
Sting Black Hole 510372172086023.66.054.4327.74
Stockfish 15.18981135892935.26.642.6281.7
Stockfish 167133127984943.75.656.4314.6
Stockfish 250823 sl x2560515892193439.25.646.1257.8
Stockfish dev-20230911 Ivec614699090034.66.246.1285.8
Stockfish dev-20230922529886955937.66.146.2281.7
