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SugaR AI SE wins Acer Arena Tournament, by Chess Engines Diary 2023.09.14-16

Since some readers asked for tests on older computers, today's tournament on a 10-year-old computer. It was cleaned and updated by our collaborator Tedi.

๐Ÿ’พ 306 games from the tournament download 

๐Ÿ•“ Time 3'+3" ๐Ÿ’ปAcer Aspire E1-570, Intel Core i3-3217U 3,9 GB Memory Windows 10 ๐Ÿ–ฌ GUI-Arena
Country - Poland, City - Malbork
๐Ÿ’พ All CEDR games 175.973 games download (3'+3") 

01SugaR AI SEM.Z370131.5/34 477,50 
02Raid 2.74 ReconTanick Ramz373029.5/34 424,00 
03Stockfish 23091120Marco Costalba374328.5/34 399,50 
04Caissa 1.12Michal Witanowski355728.0/34 387,75 
05Arasan 24Jon Dart355527.5/34 372,25 
06BlackMarlin 8.0 Doruk S.350527.0/34 352,25 
07Nalwald 18 Jost Triller328822.0/34 237,50 
08Demolito 2023-08-03lucasart321319.5/34 186,25 
09Protej 0.6.5 officialAlex Brunetti291717.5/34 160,00 
10Rybka 2.3.2a Vasik Rajlich294615.0/34 115,75 
11Zangdar 2.19.03 Manuel Diaz293514.5/34 108,75 
12Caligula 1.1  281411.0/34 65,75 
13Mida 2.0 Giacomo Porpiglia256310.5/34 66,00 
14ShenYu 2.0.1 Aaron Li22887.5/34 41,75 
15Halcyon 1 Nicholas Hamilton24007.5/34 34,50 
16Eubos 2.23 Chris Bolt24656.5/34 28,75 
17Lynx 0.16.0 Eduardo Caceres22492.5/34 3,75 
18Schneizel 2.0 Ayon24000.0/34 0,00 
