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Yuli GM PrO 9.0 wins Fritz New Engines Tournament, (by Chess Engines Diary 2023.09.21-24)

๐Ÿ’พ 272 games from the tournament download (*3 games crash)

๐Ÿ•“ Time 3'+3" ๐Ÿ’ปDell G15 SE, i7-11800H RAM 16,0 GB ๐Ÿ–ฌ GUI-Fritz 17
Country - Poland, City - Malbork
๐Ÿ’พ All CEDR games 175.973 games download (3'+3") 

Engine Score +/-/=
1: Yuli GM PrO 9.0 24.0 / 32 (+16 -0 =16)
2: Stockfish 15.1 23.0 / 32 (+14 -0 =18)
3: CorChess 4, dev-20230916 22.5 / 32 (+13 -0 =19)
4: Raid 2.75 Recon 22.5 / 32 (+13 -0 =19)
5: TACTICAL 150923 22.5 / 32 (+13 -0 =19)
6: SF-PRO 17.09.2023 22.0 / 32 (+13 -0 =18)
7: Stockfish, dev-20230911 22.0 / 32 (+12 -0 =20)
8: Cool Iris 11.20_m 21.5 / 32 (+12 -0 =19)
9: Stockfish 16 21.5 / 32 (+14 -3 =15)
10: RubiChess 20230918 19.5 / 32 (+12 -5 =15)
11: Berserk 20230907 18.0 / 32 (+11 -7 =14)
12: Sting Black Hole 5
8.0 / 32 (+7 -23 =2)
13: Protej 20230919a 7.5 / 32 (+7 -24 =1)
14: Princhess 0.12.2 6.5 / 32 (+5 -23 =3)
15: LTChess 8.4 5.5 / 32 (+3 -22 =5)
16: Lynx 0.17.0 2.5 / 32 (+2 -28 =1)
17: Chers 0.3.2 0.0 / 32 (+0 -32 =0)
