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Caissa 1.13.1 wins 2 League CEDR edition 07/2023 (by Chess Engines Diary 2023.10.13-18)

πŸ₯‡Caissa 1.13.1  πŸ₯ˆArasan 24.0   πŸ₯‰Viridithas 11.0.0

Promotion to the 1 League: Caissa 1.13.1, Arasan 24.0, Viridithas 11.0.0.
Relegation to the 3 League: Marvin 6.2.0, Xiphos 0.6.1, Tucano 11.00.1.

πŸ’Ύ 480 games from the tournament download

πŸ•“ Time 3'+3" πŸ’»Dell G15 SE, i7-11800H RAM 16,0 GB πŸ–¬ GUI-Aquarium
Country - Poland, City - Malbork
πŸ’Ύ All CEDR 193.371 games download (3'+3") 

01Caissa 1.13.1356543.0/60 1217,00 
02Arasan 24.0354539.0/60 1120,25 
03Viridithas 11.0.0355139.0/60 1114,00 
04RofChade 3.1358237.5/60 1086,50 
05Fire-zero NN 5192023351633.0/60 947,50 
06Nemorino 6.00 342030.0/60 847,75 
07Pedone 3.1 343029.5/60 838,00 
08Minic 3.33 352529.0/60 821,75 
09Superultra 1.0 351628.0/60 781,75 
10BlackCore 6.0 339327.5/60 788,25 
11Smallbrain 7.0 341726.5/60 780,00 
12Velvet 5.3.0 346225.5/60 739,75 
13Komodo 14.1 340924.5/60 708,75 
14Marvin 6.2.0 344223.5/60 673,75 
15Xiphos 0.6.1 332923.0/60 667,50 
16Tucano 11.00.1 338921.5/60 633,50 
