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Chess-System-Tal 2.00 wins 3 League Chess Engines Diary edition 07/2023 (2023.10.18-23)

 πŸ₯‡Chess-System-Tal 2.00  πŸ₯ˆRice 7.0.0   πŸ₯‰StockDory-Starfish 0.1

Promotion to the 2 League: Chess-System-Tal 2.00, Rice 7.0.0, StockDory-Starfish 0.1.
Relegation to the 4 League: Mantissa 3.7.2, Flounder, Coiled 1.2.

πŸ’Ύ 480 games from the tournament download

πŸ•“ Time 3'+3" πŸ’»Dell G15 SE, i7-11800H RAM 16,0 GB πŸ–¬ GUI-Arena
Country - Poland, City - Malbork
πŸ’Ύ All CEDR 193.371 games download (3'+3") 

Engine CEDR Score Chg +/-/=
1: Chess-System-Tal 2.003639 48.0 / 60 -36 (+37 -1 =22)
2: Rice 7.0.03429 41.0 / 60 +36 (+24 -2 =34)
3: StockDory-Starfish 0.1 3362 36.0 / 60 +48 (+18 -6 =36)
4: Halogen 11 3414 35.5 / 60 -6 (+17 -6 =37)
5: Devre 4.0 3356 35.5 / 60 +48 (+15 -4 =41)
6: Stash 35.0 3276 32.5 / 60 +90 (+17 -12 =31)
7: Zahak 10.0 3464 31.0 / 60 -90 (+13 -11 =36)
8: Tenax 0.8.2 3348 30.5 / 60 +12 (+14 -13 =33)
9: Counter 5.0 3331 30.0 / 60 +18 (+15 -15 =30)
10: LittleGoliath 3.17 3320 29.5 / 60 +24 (+13 -14 =33)
11: Defenchess 2.3 3292 28.0 / 60 +36 (+12 -16 =32)
12: Weiss 2.1dev 3330 27.5 / 60 -6 (+11 -16 =33)
13: Gogobello 3.0 3272 27.0 / 60 +42 (+9 -15 =36)
14: Mantissa 3.7.2 3282 25.0 / 60 +12 (+8 -18 =34)
15: Flounder 3172 19.5 / 60 +42 (+8 -29 =23)
16: Coiled 1.2 3305 3.5 / 60 -222 (+0 -53 =7)
