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Obsidian 6.0 wins Amateur League CEDR group A1 edition 07/2023 (2023.10.24-27)

 πŸ₯‡Obsidian 6.0  πŸ₯ˆAvalanche 2.0.0  πŸ₯‰Pawn 2.0

Promotion to the TOP-64 League: Obsidian 6.0, Avalanche 2.0.0, Pawn 2.0.
Relegation to the Amateur League Group A2: Invictus r382, FabChess 1.16, Sting Black Hole 6.

πŸ’Ύ 240 games from the tournament download

πŸ•“ Time 3'+3" πŸ’»Lenovo Z710 i7-4710MG 8GB RAM πŸ–¬ GUI-Arena
Country - Poland, City - Malbork
πŸ’Ύ All CEDR 193.371 games download (3'+3") 

Engine CEDR Score Chg +/-/=
1: Obsidian 6.03224 23.0 / 30 +78 (+19 -3 =8)
2: Avalanche 2.0.03280 21.5 / 30 +36 (+16 -3 =11)
3: Pawn 2.03248 21.0 / 30 +45 (+14 -2 =14)
4: Expositor 2BR17 3161 19.5 / 30 +72 (+13 -4 =13)
5: Midnight 8 3286 18.5 / 30 +3 (+14 -7 =9)
6: Svart 6.0.0 3319 17.0 / 30 -24 (+12 -8 =10)
7: Altair 5.0.0 3208 15.5 / 30 +12 (+8 -7 =15)
8: Tornado NNUE 3212 15.0 / 30 +3 (+8 -8 =14)
9: Drofa 4.0.0 3265 14.5 / 30 -30 (+10 -11 =9)
10: Kuma 1.1 3165 13.0 / 30 +3 (+7 -11 =12)
11: Roc 2.0.0 3250 13.0 / 30 -36 (+8 -12 =10)
12: RukChess 3.0.16 3269 12.5 / 30 -48 (+6 -11 =13)
13: Nirvanachess 2.5 3180 11.5 / 30 -18 (+7 -14 =9)
14: Invictus r382 3185 8.5 / 30 -51 (+4 -17 =9)
15: FabChess 1.16 3072 8.0 / 30 -6 (+2 -16 =12)
16: Sting Black Hole 6 3165 8.0 / 30 -45 (+4 -18 =8)
