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Stockfish ba43fcaff995 wins New Engines Tournament, by Chess Engines Diary, 2023.10.18

πŸ’Ύ 462 games from the tournament download

πŸ•“ Time 3'+3" πŸ’»HP Pavilion i5-1035G1 8GB RAM πŸ–¬ GUI-Banksia
Country - Poland, City - Malbork
πŸ’Ύ All CEDR 193.371 games download (3'+3") 

Tech table:
AbbyStein v2522085062736.86.149.4303.2
Dragon 3.3 by Komodo6042102519328.05.951.7304.9
Fatalii 0.5.0372366053511.35.635.6200.8
Fisherov chess monk 1.27934133576235.05.953.2315.9
Ippolit 05132313020203274218.46.447.7305.3
IvanhoeMod66 v 0.315413243367017.66.343.3274.4
LTChess 9.1260743818528.15.950.7301.6
Pawn 2.010308176652525.45.851.6301.1
Polyfish 231008556990957336.46.148.3295.8
Polyfish 231013564392773536.46.148.9297.6
Renegade 0.12.05542103400624.25.443.0230.2
SF PB 081023558590204736.36.247.6295.0
SF-PRO 07.10.2023494489195538.45.549.5274.1
Sting Black Hole 611583165479522.77.040.1280.84
Stockfish 15.18548136581338.06.348.4302.8
Stockfish ba43fcaff995582192607936.36.345.9288.7
Stockfish dev-20231008578892953338.56.243.8273.0
Stockfish dev-20231008 Vuk520286403134.96.050.0301.3
Stockfish dev-20231010574789984436.76.443.9280.3
Tenax 0.8.211552182107825.56.351.4325.9
Texel 1.109781171835620.25.756.9323.8
Vafra 12.5 Cfish10774188728330.35.755.7318.2
