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YuliGM PrO 11.1 wins Fritz New Engines Tournament, (by Chess Engines Diary, 2023.10.08 - 2023.10.11)

πŸ’Ύ 420 games from the tournament download

πŸ•“ Time 3'+3" πŸ’»HP ENVY i5-8250U 8GB RAM πŸ–¬ GUI-Fritz 17
Country - Poland, City - Malbork
πŸ’Ύ All CEDR 193.371 games download (3'+3") 

Engine Score +/-/=
1: YuliGM PrO 11.1 29.0 / 40 (+18 -0 =22)
2: SF-PRO 07.10.2023 29.0 / 40 (+18 -0 =22)
3: AbbyStein 1.5_bmi2 29.0 / 40 (+19 -1 =20)
4: Cool Iris 11.40_m 28.0 / 40 (+16 -0 =24)
5: SF PB 290923 27.5 / 40 (+15 -0 =25)
6: Polyfish 231008 27.5 / 40 (+15 -0 =25)
7: CorChess 20230923 27.5 / 40 (+15 -0 =25)
8: SF-Premium 07.10.2023 27.0 / 40 (+14 -0 =26)
9: TACTICAL 041023 26.0 / 40 (+13 -0 =26)
10: Arasan 24.0 25.5 / 40 (+15 -4 =21)
11: Alexandria-5.0.0 24.5 / 40 (+14 -5 =21)
12: Caissa 1.13.1 21.5 / 40 (+13 -10 =17)
13: Carp 3.0.1 19.5 / 40 (+9 -10 =21)
14: Obsidian 5.0 17.0 / 40 (+8 -14 =18)
15: Avalanche 2.0.0 14.0 / 40 (+5 -17 =18)
16: Peacekeeper 2.00 13.5 / 40 (+8 -21 =11)
17: Nalwald 18 13.0 / 40 (+7 -21 =12)
18: Amoeba 3.4 8.5 / 40 (+4 -27 =9)
19: MIDA 2.1 6.0 / 40 (+2 -29 =8)
20: Odonata 0.7.0 4.0 / 40 (+1 -33 =6)
21: Lishex v1.1.1 1.5 / 40 (+1 -38 =1)
