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Brainlearn 26.2 wins Strong Engines Tournament, by Chess Engines Diary, 2023.11.18

πŸ’Ύ 552(!) games from the tournament download

πŸ•“ Time 3'+3" πŸ’»HP ENVY i5-8250U 8GB RAM πŸ–¬ GUI-Banksia
Country - Poland, City - Malbork
πŸ’Ύ All CEDR 218.153 games download (3'+3") 

Tech table:
AbbyStein v2.8450784623236.95.365.3347.6
Berserk 12.18656162355832.95.369.2369.2
Brainlearn 26.2434480723336.95.464.8348.7
Caissa 1.14.111259188591128.96.055.9333.7
CorChess 20231104459580845330.95.759.5337.9
Crystal 7 CMB423977536127.55.554.3296.8
Crystal 7 CMB Ipman428380650728.55.360.9323.4
Demolito 2023-11-046216115562225.15.459.1318.1
Devre 5.0000.
Eman 9.70427978152333.05.565.1356.6
Fire 9.210148179409923.55.763.7360.4
Obsidian 7.0465583506524.85.665.5365.4
Polyfish 231107466784210136.75.562.3345.6
Raid 2.99 2TC429977636935.15.558.9326.2
Raid v3442880018436.35.560.6335.5
ShashChess 34.35806105806436.45.564.3352.9
Stockfish 15.17037125690637.35.660.7339.6
Stockfish 20231107478386771237.45.561.9341.4
Stormphrax 3.0.05831110825725.25.356.4296.7
Uralochka 3.40a5640108257625.95.264.1334.1
Vafra 14.12.0 Stockfish8128148908932.65.564.3350.7
YuliGM Pro 14332656753435.55.954.8321.2
Yuliirma 3.0425376324036.15.659.9333.6
