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Cool Iris 11.40 wins Acer Arena Tournament for older computers (Chess Engines Diary by Tedi, 2023.11.09-14)


Since some readers asked for tests on older computers, today's tournament on a 10-year-old computer. It was cleaned and updated by our cooperator Tedi.

Very good result of the Cool Iris 11.40 engine.

πŸ’Ύ 600(!) games from the tournament download

πŸ•“ Time 3'+3" πŸ’»Acer Aspire E1-570, Intel Core i3-3217U 3,9 GB Memory πŸ–¬ GUI-Arena
Country - Poland, City - Malbork
πŸ’Ύ All CEDR 218.153 games download (3'+3") 

Engine CEDR Score Chg +/-/=
1: Cool Iris 11.403740 38.0 / 48 +10 (+28 -0 =20)
2: Raid 2.78i_X3734 37.5 / 48 +10 (+27 -0 =21)
3: Yuliirma 3.0 3727 37.5 / 48 +10 (+27 -0 =21)
4: Hazard 3.83 3731 37.5 / 48 +10 (+27 -0 =21)
5: Polyfish 2311073744 36.5 / 48 -5 (+25 -0 =23)
6: SugaR AI SE3711 36.5 / 48 +5 (+25 -0 =23)
7: Stockfish 202311073752 35.5 / 48 -19 (+25 -2 =21)
8: Brainlearn 26.2 3735 34.5 / 48  -19 (+23 -2 =23)
9: ShashChess 34.2 3773 34.0 / 48 -38 (+22 -2 =24)
10: Seer 2.7 3594 32.0 / 48 +14 (+19 -3 =26)
11: Caissa 1.13.1 3607 32.0 / 48 +5 (+21 -5 =22)
12: Tenax 0.9.4 3358 27.5 / 48 +91 (+20 -13 =15)
13: Viridithas 11.0.0 3544 26.0 / 48 -24 (+19 -15 =14)
14: Akimbo 0.7.0 3432 24.0 / 48 +24 (+17 -17 =14)
15: Fire 9.1 3466 21.5 / 48 -19 (+15 -20 =13)
16: Z5 2.1 3320 19.0 / 48 +24 (+11 -21 =16)
17: Stash 35.0 3327 19.0 / 48 +19 (+14 -24 =10)
18: Pawn 2.0 3410 17.5 / 48 -34 (+10 -23 =15)
19: Demolito 2023-11-04 3229 16.5 / 48 +19 (+13 -28 =7)
20: Altair 5.0.0 3224 14.5 / 48 +0 (+10 -29 =9)
21: Protej 20230919a 3068 9.5 / 48 -14 (+9 -38 =1)
22: Reckless 0.3.0 2363 5.5 / 48 -14 (+5 -42 =1)
23: Clarity 2.0.0 2411 4.0 / 48 -29 (+4 -44 =0)
24: Muse 0.953 2692 4.0 / 48 -43 (+4 -44 =0)
25: Chers 0.8.0 2036 0.0 / 48 -53 (+0 -48 =0)
