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New version chess engine: Lynx 1.0.1 (Windows, MacOS, Linux)

Lynx it's written in C# (.NET 6). UCI protocol is needed.
Chess Engines Diary Rating CEDR=2672

Lynx release artifacts are self-contained and require no dependencies to be run.
However, you can also choose to build Lynx yourself.

NET 6 SDK. You can find instructions about how to install it in yo

  • Non strength-winning changes:
  • πŸ› Clamp static evaluation within +- checkmate limits, preventing illegal moves (and erratic behavior in general) in positions with too much material on one side (#510).
  • We're talking about positions here such as QQQQQQQQ/QQQQQQQQ/QQQQQQQQ/QQQQQQQQ/QQQQQQQQ/QQQQQQQQ/QPPPPPPP/K6k b - - 0 1, which will never happen in a real game but can be artificially set up (i.e. in lichess), so no strength change is expected in regular engine games.

Lynx Rating CEDR Progress
Pl Engine Rating Score Games %
1275 Lynx 0.18.0 2672.0 2.50 44 5.68
1347 Lynx 0.19.0 2555.0 9.00 80 11.25
1536 Lynx 0.17.0 2268.4 25.00 346 7.23
1548 Lynx 0.15.0 2247.8 42.00 355 11.83
1591 Lynx 0.16.0 2162.2 47.00 413 11.38
1629 Lynx 0.12.0 2071.4 18.00 175 10.29
1653 Lynx 0.13.0 2038.7 13.50 185 7.30
1663 Lynx 0.14.1 2012.4 15.50 486 3.19

Lynx 1.0.1 download 
