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Stockfish 20231107 wins Strong Engines Tournament (by Chess Engines Diary, 2023.11.23)

๐Ÿ’พ 702 (!) games from the tournament download

๐Ÿ•“ Time 3'+3" ๐Ÿ’ปHP ENVY i5-8250U 8GB RAM ๐Ÿ–ฌ GUI-Banksia
Country - Poland, City - Malbork
๐Ÿ’พ All CEDR 218.153 games download (3'+3") 

Engine Score +/-/=
1: Stockfish 20231107 29.5 / 52 (+7 -0 =45)
2: Polyfish 231107 29.5 / 52 (+7 -0 =45)
3: Raid 2.99 2TC 29.0 / 52 (+6 -0 =46)
4: Yuliirma 3.0 29.0 / 52 (+6 -0 =46)
5: Crystal 7 CMB 29.0 / 52 (+7 -1 =44)
6: AbbyStein 2.8 28.5 / 52 (+5 -0 =47)
7: Cool Iris 11.50 28.5 / 52 (+5 -0 =47)
8: ShashChess 34.3 28.5 / 52 (+5 -0 =47)
9: Eman 9.70 28.5 / 52 (+5 -0 =47)
10: Hazard 3.83 28.5 / 52 (+5 -0 =47)
11: Fisherov chess monk 1.2 28.5 / 52 (+5 -0 =47)
12: Sawfish 1.0 28.5 / 52 (+5 -0 =47)
13: SF PB 051123 28.5 / 52 (+5 -0 =47)
14: Stockfish 20231111 Ivec 28.0 / 52 (+4 -0 =48)
15: TACTICAL 171123 28.0 / 52 (+4 -0 =48)
16: Raid v3 28.0 / 52 (+5 -1 =46)
17: CorChess 20231115 28.0 / 52 (+4 -0 =48)
18: Brainlearn 26.2 28.0 / 52 (+4 -0 =48)
19: YuliGM Pro 14 27.5 / 52 (+3 -0 =49)
20: Stockfish 15.1 27.0 / 52 (+2 -0 =50)
21: Berserk 12.1 27.0 / 52 (+4 -2 =46)
22: Crystal 7 CMB Ipman 27.0 / 52 (+3 -1 =48)
23: Caissa 1.14.1 23.0 / 52 (+2 -8 =42)
24: Vafra 14.12.0 Stockfish 19.5 / 52 (+4 -17 =31)
25: Uralochka 3.40a 18.5 / 52 (+1 -16 =35)
26: Fire 9.2 13.5 / 52 (+2 -27 =23)
27: RukChess 3.0.17 5.0 / 52 (+0 -42 =10)

Tech Table:
AbbyStein v2.8441083600737.35.360.5319.3
Berserk 12.19483173011833.25.567.2368.1
Brainlearn 26.2445879739036.85.660.7339.5
Caissa 1.14.110380191261828.75.468.9373.9
Cool Iris 11.50442075141433.35.954.2318.5
CorChess 20231115469978636331.96.052.3312.4
Crystal 7 CMB434378513528.15.553.8297.9
Crystal 7 CMB Ipman440577468728.15.752.1296.0
Eman 9.70465585813134.35.465.3354.1
Fire 9.29768177570122.75.568.0374.2
Fisherov chess monk 1.26714119949736.85.661.8346.1
Hazard 3.83443184233537.65.360.9320.5
Polyfish 231107475685130635.95.661.8345.1
Raid 2.99 2TC455386514437.85.360.6318.9
Raid v3451585751138.45.361.6324.1
RukChess 3.0.1718511318331522.95.859.2344.3
Sawfish 1.0428476679534.55.662.1347.1
SF PB 051123477082388336.65.856.6327.7
ShashChess 34.3573998737337.35.853.8312.7
Stockfish 15.17204119791337.86.054.4327.3
Stockfish 20231107451382919237.05.465.5356.3
Stockfish 20231111 Ivec487581597037.86.052.8315.4
TACTICAL 171123430574974736.85.757.4329.4
Uralochka 3.40a5643108668525.55.265.7341.31
Vafra 14.12.0 Stockfish8538157205032.95.465.3354.5
YuliGM Pro 14333657701935.55.856.9329.2
Yuliirma 3.0434078046837.35.661.6342.4
