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YuliGM PrO 13.0 wins New Strong Engines Test, by Chess Engies Diary, 2023.10.29 - 2023.11.03


๐Ÿ’พ 650 (!) games from the tournament download 

๐Ÿ•“ Time 3'+3" ๐Ÿ’ปHP ENVY i5-8250U 8GB RAM ๐Ÿ–ฌ GUI-Fritz 17
Country - Poland, City - Malbork
๐Ÿ’พ All CEDR 218.153 games download (3'+3") 

Engine Score +/-/=
1: YuliGM PrO 13.0 31.5 / 50 (+13 -0 =37)
2: Stockfish 20231024 31.0 / 50 (+12 -0 =38)
3: SF PB 221023 31.0 / 50 (+12 -0 =38)
4: Brainlearn 26.1 30.5 / 50 (+11 -0 =39)
5: Stockfish 20231021 30.5 / 50 (+11 -0 =39)
6: SF-PRO 07.10.2023 30.5 / 50 (+11 -0 =39)
7: Polyfish 231022 30.0 / 50 (+10 -0 =40)
8: ShashChess 34.1 30.0 / 50 (+10 -0 =40)
9: AbbyStein v2 29.5 / 50 (+9 -0 =41)
10: SugaR AI SE 29.5 / 50 (+9 -0 =41)
11: CorChess 20231024 29.5 / 50 (+9 -0 =41)
12: Cool Iris 11.40 29.0 / 50 (+8 -0 =42)
13: Hazard 3.78_bmi2 29.0 / 50 (+8 -0 =42)
14: Fisherov chess monk 1.2 29.0 / 50 (+9 -1 =40)
15: Dragon 3.3 by Komodo
28.0 / 50 (+7 -1 =42)
16: Stockfish 15.1 27.5 / 50 (+5 -0 =45)
17: Berserk 12 25.0 / 50 (+8 -8 =34)
18: Vafra 12.5 Cfish 22.5 / 50 (+7 -12 =31)
19: Seer 2.7.0 21.5 / 50 (+5 -12 =33)
20: Koivisto 9.2 fix 21.5 / 50 (+5 -12 =33)
21: Dragon by Komodo free 20.5 / 50 (+4 -13 =33)
22: Caissa 1.13.1 20.5 / 50 (+6 -15 =29)
23: Obsidian 6.0 16.0 / 50 (+2 -20 =28)
24: Texel 1.10 12.0 / 50 (+2 -28 =20)
25: RukChess 3.0.16 NNUE2 10.5 / 50 (+1 -30 =19)
26: DanaSah 9.1 4.0 / 50 (+0 -42 =8)


  1. What is the result of Yuly worth? Nothing is known about this engine, what are the differences to sf?
    No one can test it and probably it brakes the open source rules. I would never let it participate in any tournament.

    1. We post the results of this engine on the blog. It does not break open source rules, but its author does not want to make it publicly available for now.


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