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Altair 6.0.0 wins New Amateur Engines Test (by Chess Engines Diary, 2023.12.29-31)

  @chessenginesdiary City:Malbork

πŸ•“ Time 3'+3" πŸ’»Lenovo Z710 i7-4710MG 8GB RAM πŸ–¬ GUI-Arena

Engine CEDR Score Chg +/-/=
1: Altair 6.0.03228 27.5 / 30 +42 (+26 -1 =3)
2: Peacekeeper 2.20 3342 25.0 / 30 +0 (+21 -1 =8)
3: LTChess 9.3 3444 24.5 / 30 -15 (+22 -3 =5)
4: Protej 20231226b3206 23.0 / 30 +0 (+20 -4 =6)
5: Anduril 2400 20.0 / 30 +132 (+16 -6 =8)
6: 4ku 4.0 2951 19.0 / 30 +15 (+17 -9 =4)
7: ChessBrainVB 4.01 3085 18.5 / 30 -21 (+14 -7 =9)
8: Jet 1.1 2400 15.0 / 30 +81 (+13 -13 =4)
9: Bagatur 3.7e 3194 15.0 / 30 -78 (+11 -11 =8)
10: Reckless 0.4.0 2812 14.0 / 30 -3 (+12 -14 =4)
11: Ice4 v4 2915 14.0 / 30 -27 (+12 -14 =4)
12: Dumb 2.0 2776 10.5 / 30 -36 (+10 -19 =1)
13: ChessMaster2023 2400 5.5 / 30 -15 (+5 -24 =1)
14: Zagreus 4.1 2017 3.5 / 30 +3 (+2 -25 =3)
15: Thrawn 1.1 2400 3.0 / 30 -39 (+3 -27 =0)
16: Sloth 1.5 2400 2.0 / 30 -48 (+1 -27 =2)
