Anduril is a UCI compatable chess engine written in C++. Anduril is built off of libchess ( with a few changes (mostly to improve performance). The engine uses the negamax algorithm with many enhancements such as alpha-beta pruning, null move pruning, probcut, futility pruning, and more techinques.
This is a passion project and is my third attempt at writing a chess engine. My first engine was built from the ground up and was extremely buggy and slow. My second attempt was built using python-chess and was better, but I started to reach the limitations of my own programming abilities. I decided to try to make a third attempt in C++ once I got comfortable enough in the language, and this is the fruits of that labor.
Because this is a passion project, parts of the engine are underdeveloped compared to other parts. My development strategy has been to work on whatever I find most interesting or fun to work on in the moment. There is no pattern to what I decide to work on, and thats probably how it will stay.
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