The C++ rewrite is complete! Clarity is now faster and better, using new techniques, and I have learned a new language!
For those who didn't see the engine in its depressing, confusing, error-filled C# state, this engine was originally written in C# before I decided to switch to C++. That decision was one of the greatest I think I've ever had, as the engine is now faster, easier to read, less error-filled(hopefully), and better overall.
Rating CEDR=2589
Clarity is back again with another new version! Improvements this time include Node TM, 2 new networks (newest is a (768->256)x2->1 net using SCReLU trained on 400m positions of self-play data), switching from GCC to Clang (a 3x speed improvement), improving, LMR adjustments based on many things, simplifications, search tuning, razoring, dedicated qsearch history, and potentially more things that I am forgetting about.
I think that the next major version won't be for quite some time, as feature ideas are running low, and the amount of time that it takes for tuning, testing, and data generation is growing exponentially.
Just as before, all of my testing is done with the 8moves_v3.epd opening book, and no syzygy adjudication of any kind.
Score of Clarity Current Dev vs Clarity V3.0.0: 1183 - 10 - 207 [0.919] 1400
... Clarity Current Dev playing White: 625 - 3 - 72 [0.944] 700
... Clarity Current Dev playing Black: 558 - 7 - 135 [0.894] 700
... White vs Black: 632 - 561 - 207 [0.525] 1400
Elo difference: 421.8 +/- 23.7, LOS: 100.0 %, DrawRatio: 14.8 %
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