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Incognito 5 wins New Engines Test (by Chess Engines Diary, 2023.12.29)

@chessenginesdiary City:Malbork

πŸ•“ Time 3'+3" πŸ’»Dell G15 SE, i7-11800H RAM 16,0 GB πŸ–¬ GUI-Banksia

Tech table:
Admete 1.5.0349260187213.65.840.1232.9
Akimbo 0.7.0389563893324.46.149.7303.0
Beef 0.3.616237304948825.65.349.1261.51
Carp 3.0.1424486527424.84.957.6282.6
Charisma Diamond8325129574633.86.446.3297.4
Clover 6.111058203101531.25.462.5340.0
Cool Iris 11.80563290474230.56.245.5283.5
DanaSah 9.1322252276220.86.253.0326.6
Dragon 3.3
Drofa 4.1.09044152682223.15.952.1308.9
Hazard 4.1533092330835.45.844.0253.9
Incognito 5494478804330.16.344.9281.7
KnightX 3.96383107197419.96.043.6259.7
LTChess 9.3530391308824.25.856.6328.7
MIDA 2.398616280920.06.142.2255.63
Obsidian 9.09102155901727.95.852.3305.1
Princhess 0.15.114753222644115.56.642.3280.5
Protej 20231212a526884947236.46.250.7314.2
Reckless 0.4.06129132315922.34.652.6243.8
Stockfish 167380120955437.36.147.8291.6
Stockfish 20231222548293173735.45.950.7298.2
Thrawn 0.5295746082910.66.436.3233.11
